eatable - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of eatable in Hindi


  • खाद्य
  • खाने योग्य
  • भक्ष्य
  • भोज्य
  • खाद्य पदार्थ

eatable Definition


  • fit to be consumed as food.

eatable Example

  • They have such an eatable look that the most self-denying stranger can hardly keep his hands off. ( उनके पास ऐसा खाने योग्य रूप है कि सबसे आत्म-इनकार करने वाला अजनबी शायद ही अपना हाथ बंद कर सके। )
  • Breakfast-time came at last, and this morning the porridge was not burnt; the quality was eatable, the quantity small. ( अंत में नाश्ते का समय आ गया, और आज सुबह दलिया नहीं जलाया गया; गुणवत्ता खाने योग्य थी, मात्रा छोटी थी। )
  • In the winter they break this bread up with an axe, and they soak it for twenty-four hours, in order to render it eatable. ( सर्दियों में वे इस रोटी को कुल्हाड़ी से तोड़ते हैं, और इसे खाने योग्य बनाने के लिए चौबीस घंटे भिगोते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • The crow knows how to break a dried up piece of bread when it dips the hardened piece of bread into pond of water to make it soft and eatable.
  • The first house we entered, after a little difficulty with the window, was a small semi-detached villa, and I found nothing eatable left in the place but some mouldy cheese.
  • The question is NOT whether it is still eatable without it.
  • The leaves are also eatable but are not valued in industry for that purpose.
  • Lucky dogs feasted on the eatable plates.
  • It has been known for an earable and eatable chocolate vinyl done for artist Breakbot.
  • Eatable Marshmallow Pillows and Lickable Wallpaper from " Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,"
  • The principle of the Art of Taste (which goes beyond the so-called Art of Cookery) is therefore this: All that is eatable should be treated as the symbol of some Idea, and always in harmony with the Idea to be expressed.
  • The contents of the pan began to boil, and he turned to plunge his hand into the bowl; I conjectured that this preparation was probably for our supper, and, being hungry, I resolved it should be eatable; so, crying out sharply, ‘I’ll make the.
  • The contents of the pan began to boll, and he turned to plunge his hand into the bowl; I conjectured that this preparation was probably for our supper, and, being hungry, I resolved it should be eatable; so, crying out sharply, "I'll make the porridge!" I removed the vessel out of his reach, and proceeded to take off my hat and riding habit.