get cold feet - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of get cold feet in Hindi

  • बहुत डर जाना

get cold feet Definition


get cold feet Example

  • If you get cold feet about something, you become nervous or frightened about it because you think it will fail. ( यदि आपको किसी चीज के बारे में ठंडे पैर मिलते हैं, तो आप इसके बारे में घबरा जाते हैं या डर जाते हैं क्योंकि आपको लगता है कि यह विफल हो जाएगा। )
  • The Government is getting cold feet about the reforms. ( सुधारों को लेकर सरकार के पैर ठंडे पड़ रहे हैं। )
  • He got cold feet when heard the news of his transfer to remote area of the country which is hundreds of miles from his home town. ( देश के सुदूर इलाके में अपने गृह नगर से सैकड़ों मील दूर उनके स्थानान्तरण की खबर सुनकर उनके ठंडे पैर पड़ गए। )
  • The burglar has got cold feet, when the dog started barking. ( कुत्ते के भौंकने पर चोर के ठंडे पैर पड़ गए। )

More Sentence

  • Veronica gets cold feet once again about going on a trip to Europe.
  • Peter is getting cold feet about helping investigation agencies – it smells something fishy.
  • He gets cold feet and phones his bank manager asking him to stop the cheque.
  • Steve is the only member in our family who appears to be getting cold feet about moving to the new house.
  • Source:
  • Alcibiades gets cold feet which was exactly the purpose of Socrates speech.
  • "Unless somebody gets cold feet, and it's not going to be me.
  • "I get cold feet when it comes to interviews, " he worries.
  • Chandler gets cold feet and bolts on the eve of the wedding.
  • "Unless somebody gets cold feet, and it's not going to be me ."
  • Charlie gets cold feet and leaves but Jim hand-delivers the letter.
  • However, Arlette gets cold feet and cannot go through with the wedding ceremony.
  • If either party gets cold feet, they can now walk away, " he said.
  • Sure, grooms get cold feet, but this premise seems far-fetched.
  • But when the delighted uncle arranges a lavish wedding ceremony, Jia gets cold feet.
  • She and Jake go to a courthouse to get married, but she gets cold feet.
  • Will they get back in ( selling dollars ) or will they get cold feet?
  • Time is running out, as construction costs continue to rise and benefactors get cold feet.
  • If I get cold feet I'll get back to you and request you remove it.
  • "I said to myself, ` They're going to get cold feet, "'he recalled.
  • Very rarely, the crusher gets cold feet and allows the crushee to walk away.
  • In the series finale, Sarah gets cold feet but in the end, marries Luc.
  • It's difficult to see get cold feet in a sentence.