academy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of academy in Hindi

  • अकादमी
  • विद्यापीठ
  • विद्वत परिषद

academy Definition

  • a place of study or training in a special field. ( एक विशेष क्षेत्र में अध्ययन या प्रशिक्षण का स्थान। )
  • a society or institution of distinguished scholars, artists, or scientists, that aims to promote and maintain standards in its particular field. ( विशिष्ट विद्वानों, कलाकारों या वैज्ञानिकों का एक समाज या संस्थान, जिसका उद्देश्य अपने विशेष क्षेत्र में मानकों को बढ़ावा देना और बनाए रखना है। )

academy Example

  • There are signs that, outside the academy , middlebrow literary circles, and the United Nations, feminism has indeed met its Waterloo. ( ऐसे संकेत हैं कि अकादमी के बाहर, मिडिलब्रो साहित्यिक मंडलियां और संयुक्त राष्ट्र, नारीवाद वास्तव में अपने वाटरलू से मिले हैं। )
  • By contrast, Democratic and Republican Economists and Political Scientists are just as likely to be found inside and outside the academy .  ( इसके विपरीत, डेमोक्रेटिक और रिपब्लिकन इकोनॉमिस्ट और राजनीतिक वैज्ञानिक अकादमी के अंदर और बाहर पाए जाने की संभावना है। )

More Sentence

  • And even better, the format is equally open to people from outside the academy who want to read about the latest scholarship, blog about it, or even write it.
  • They insisted on calling her Chaelia and sending her to a private academy for schooling.
  • As he described it, succeeding in the liberal arts academy is tough enough as it is without the added burden of holding unpopular views.
  • a police academy
  • They were twins who had just transferred from a private academy .
  • It's gratifying to see weblog postings participating in intellectual discourse within the academy as well as outside it.
  • During the year the academy will provide training support for the athletes including the use of biokinetics and a course in special nutrition to enhance the athletes' performances.
  • Outside the academy , it is a notion that holds the promise of explaining how most readers evaluate what they read.
  • The Royal Society is an independent academy promoting the natural and applied sciences.
  • a writing and publishing world outside the academy
  • But in the end, I believe that it does not matter whether professors are better motivated or not better motivated than those outside of the academy .
  • President Bush delivered the commencement address at the Air Force academy today.
  • It's not like she goes to the police academy to train and prepare herself for things like this.
  • The day she graduated from high school, she signed up for the police academy .
  • The long days studying in class and endless hours of physical training at the academy paid off in ways Richard had probably never imagined.
  • Tony Blair has formally opened a training academy for teachers known as the Sandhurst for teachers.
  • She had decided that I was becoming too much like a boy and requested I to be sent off to my all girls academy to be educated and taught how to be proper.
  • Members of the Homeless Power Project also have met with police recruits at the training academy and at some precincts.
  • In fact he became a police recruit, joining the force and training at an academy in North Wales.
  • He is to step down as chairman of the institution after artists at the academy called for his resignation.
  • Then there is the recurring need for historians to strive to connect their scholarship to the interests of people outside of the academy .
  • After graduation, I was accepted into the police academy 's six-month training program to become an officer.
  • Nine years ago, he and a dozen sports medicine doctors formed the academy to promote anti-aging treatments and to learn more about the long-term effects.
  • The largest issue, he finds, is that the humanities have become completely removed from the worlds outside the academy .
  • For many of us both within and outside of the academy , the new century started in 1989.
  • He knew of the life that would await him outside the academy .
  • The Dublin Society was founded in 1731 to promote Irish agriculture and manufactures, and during the 1740s absorbed a local academy to provide a training for arts and crafts.
  • This work is articulated in a way that invites - and will undoubtedly excite - a wide readership within and outside the academy .