exceptional - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of exceptional in Hindi

  • असाधारण
  • विशेष
  • ख़ास
  • अपवादात्मक
  • अपवाद स्वरूप
  • आपवादिक
  • असामान्य

exceptional Definition


  • unusual; not typical.

exceptional Example

  • a pepper offering exceptional flavor and juiciness ( एक काली मिर्च असाधारण स्वाद और रस प्रदान करती है )
  • He knows there is someone or something out there that has weird and exceptional abilities. ( वह जानता है कि वहां कोई न कोई चीज है जिसमें अजीब और असाधारण क्षमताएं हैं। ) 
  • He is such an exceptional boy. ( वह एक ऐसा असाधारण लड़का है। )
  • Even an exceptional salesperson has an imperfect memory. ( यहां तक ​​कि एक असाधारण विक्रेता के पास भी अपूर्ण स्मृति होती है। )

More Sentence

  • He was always hearing such words as: "With your remarkable kindness," or, "With your excellent heart," "You are yourself so honorable Count," or, "Were he as clever as you," and so on, till he began sincerely to believe in his own exceptional kindness and extraordinary intelligence, the more so as in the depth of his heart it had always seemed to him that he really was very kind and intelligent.
  • In Denisov's party he held a peculiar and exceptional position.
  • There are exceptional 8 year olds and.
  • Your financial intuition is exceptional.
  • Well, she is quite an exceptional girl.
  • Presidents as being very exceptional men.
  • This is an exceptional situation, Mom.
  • Willis dose so in exceptional cases only.
  • And this was an exceptional occasion too.
  • She is a talent of exceptional brilliance.
  • But this is an exceptional time in my life.
  • Some people have exceptional abilities we do not understand—for example, savants.
  • The narrow streets and the traffic congestion of the business district presented difficult problems of urban transit, but the system is of exceptional efficiency.
  • At most stations a negative potential gradient is exceptional, unless during rain or thunder.
  • The nature of the work, the materials from which it was composed, and the circumstances under which it was written are, however, in themselves exceptional, and necessarily tended to this result.
  • Nearly all the cable companies possess their own steamers, of sufficient dimensions and specially equipped for making ordinary repairs; but for exceptional cases, where a considerable quantity of new cable may have to be inserted, it may be necessary to charter the services of one of the larger vessels owned by a cable-manufacturing company, at a certain sum per day, which may well reach £200 to £300.
  • crimes of exceptional callousness and cruelty