swan - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of swan in Hindi
- स्वैन
- हंस
- राज-हंस
- शायर
- कवि
- स्वान
- शानदार ढंग से उड़ना
- भटकना
- हंस का
- राज-हंस का
swan Definition
- a large waterbird with a long flexible neck, short legs, webbed feet, a broad bill, and typically all-white plumage.
swan Example
- From the frozen north the swan had come to the sheltered bay and some one had shot him. ( जमे हुए उत्तर से हंस आश्रय की खाड़ी में आया था और किसी ने उसे गोली मार दी थी। )
- A swan passed and repassed below them, and an owl called from the distant woods. ( एक हंस उनके नीचे से गुजरा, और दूर के जंगल से एक उल्लू को पुकारा गया। )
- The swan builds his nest of sticks near the river side, generally amongst the reeds. ( हंस नदी के किनारे, आमतौर पर नरकट के बीच, लाठी का अपना घोंसला बनाता है। )
- Stricken with terror, she fancied that she already heard the Swan coming to carry him away. ( आतंक से त्रस्त, उसने सोचा कि उसने पहले ही हंस को उसे ले जाने के लिए आते सुना है। )
More Sentence
- Beside his song-stream where the swan reposes The bulbul sings as by the Bendemeer.
- Aler was painfully convincing as the swan roasting on a spit.
- Rich Animation's 90-minute variation on Swan Lake.
- You don't particularly want a Swan Lake screen saver?
- It also may prove to be a swan song of sorts.
- The missing swan's wings are clipped, Hines said.
- It's not exactly ` Swan Lake . "'
- "Swan Lake, " it's not.
- Swan found another venue but had little time to publicize it.
- The market is going to do a swan dive from here.
- But it was her swan song; she had had enough.
- It's difficult to see swan in a sentence .
- The parents choked up at seeing these swans, their children.
- Swans huddle and honk in a sequestered park beside the canal.
- The Wild Swan has a very loud call, and utters a melancholy cry when one of the flock is killed.
- The Swan Knight took Elsa tenderly into his arms for a moment, looking deep into her eyes.
- Or, if the Swan Knight could be weakened, they would regain their lost power over Brabant.
- Here a great white swan is defending her nest against the attack of a black dog swimming rapidly toward it.
- You must be careful not to waken the man, but you must unfasten the swan and take it away with you.
- She had not been down to breakfast, and when she made her appearance now, it was as if an odd-shaped swan was waddling into the room.
- Underneath it you will find a man lying asleep, and a beautiful large swan will be fastened to the tree close to him.
- High-feather had never seen or heard of a red swan before; all the red feathers he wore he had had to paint.
- I must explain that Flatbroke was fifteen miles away; I was then at Swan Creek, the State capital.