begrudge - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of begrudge in Hindi
- डाह खाना
- ईर्ष्या करना
- नापसंद करना
- असंतोष का अनुभव करना
- डाह खाना
begrudge Definition
- envy (someone) the possession or enjoyment of (something). ( ईर्ष्या (किसी) के कब्जे या भोग (कुछ)। )
- give reluctantly or resentfully. ( अनिच्छा से या नाराजगी से देना। )
begrudge Example
- True, residential care does not come cheaply, but having seen how well my mother was treated, I do not begrudge one penny. ( सच है, आवासीय देखभाल सस्ते में नहीं आती है, लेकिन यह देखते हुए कि मेरी मां के साथ कितना अच्छा व्यवहार किया गया था, मैं एक पैसा भी नहीं मानता। )
- That does not mean I begrudge the people their freedom. ( इसका मतलब यह नहीं है कि मैं लोगों को उनकी स्वतंत्रता के लिए बधाई देता हूं। )
- I can't begrudge him the trip - I know I would love to get the chance to live and work in a new country for a few months every now and then. ( मैं उसे यात्रा के लिए बधाई नहीं दे सकता - मुझे पता है कि मुझे हर महीने कुछ महीनों के लिए एक नए देश में रहने और काम करने का मौका मिलेगा। )
- After all, in the great scheme of things, few rational people are going to begrudge someone with a handicap a nice space near the door to the supermarket. ( आखिरकार, चीजों की महान योजना में, कुछ तर्कसंगत लोग किसी को विकलांग के साथ सुपरमार्केट के दरवाजे के पास एक अच्छी जगह बनाने जा रहे हैं। )
- People don't begrudge Jerry Seinfeld or Michael Jordan their millions. ( लोग जेरी सीनफील्ड या माइकल जॉर्डन को उनके लाखों लोगों को बधाई नहीं देते हैं। )
- Few would begrudge Kevin the success he now enjoys, particularly since he has played his fair share of less glamorous gigs. ( कुछ केविन को अब मिली सफलता की बधाई होगी, खासकर जब से उन्होंने कम ग्लैमरस जिग्स का अपना उचित हिस्सा निभाया है। )
- Make this a room that the whole family wants to be in, preferably all at once, and you'll not begrudge a penny of the thousands it'll cost you. ( इसे एक ऐसा कमरा बनाएं जिसे पूरा परिवार पसंद करना चाहता है, अधिमानतः एक ही बार में, और आपको हजारों का एक पैसा भी खर्च नहीं होगा। )
- I don't begrudge people their private jets and grated truffles, nor anything which I can actually picture in my mind. ( मैं लोगों को उनके निजी जेट्स और कसा हुआ ट्रफल नहीं देता, और न ही कुछ जो मैं वास्तव में अपने दिमाग में तस्वीर कर सकता हूं। )
More Sentence
- I don't begrudge these people their right to work, and they have to work really hard.
- I'm always conscious that some people will begrudge me this carefree lifestyle because I am on a sole parent's pension.
- Personally I can't begrudge the players high wages because if they didn't get the money it would only go to less deserving people.
- But who would begrudge her some happiness in her twilight years?
- But I've been very patient - I love music, and I don't want to begrudge someone the chance to practice on their chosen instrument.
- I don't begrudge a penny of what he is earning from his new contract and I am sure George feels exactly the same way.
- I begrudge every penny of taxpayers' cash going to athletes while people are forced to wait for hip operations or cancer treatment.
- It is his business to spend his money and people should not begrudge him his success.
- I don't begrudge anybody a right to a square meal and some help.
- I for one would certainly not begrudge a few pence more on the price of an abbot (over the costing for a spitfire).
- Not that I begrudge a penny of the money that this Country has spent on helping these people, not a bit of it.
- But few who applaud true sportsmanship would begrudge this genial chap every prize available.
- I spend a lot of money on them; I don't begrudge a penny of it.
- Despite the forced change to his hunting habits, Bill doesn't begrudge the summer people their little bits of Nova Scotian paradise.
- Does he really think people would begrudge him happiness (if a rather haunted one)?
- As ever, Elsie had been more interested in shoes, but had begrudgingly agreed to join me.
- The teller continued to argue the point before begrudgingly conceding her demand was against bank policy.
- And I begrudgingly have to admit they probably deserved to win.
- So I begrudgingly agreed that we would cook something.
- Instead of begrudging us our success, they should be learning from us.
- And every single one of you is begrudging the time, money and effort involved.
- There can be few who begrudged her the personal happiness she seems to have obtained following her marriage to Commander, now Commodore, Laurence.