garnish - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of garnish in Hindi
- गार्निश
- साइड डिश
- सजावट
- अलंकार
- गहना
- सालन
- ज़ेवर
- साइड ऑर्डर
- अलंकृत करना
- सुशोमित करना
- सजाना
- चमकाना
- झलझलाना
- जूट की पट्टी
garnish Definition
- decorate or embellish (something, especially food).
- serve with a garnishment.
- a decoration or embellishment for something, especially food.
garnish Example
- reserve a few watercress leaves for a garnish ( गार्निश के लिए कुछ जलकुंभी के पत्ते सुरक्षित रखें )
- In a few cases, a little garnish is added - an etymological note, perhaps; or a description of a recent eruption, or notable fatalities. ( कुछ मामलों में, थोड़ा गार्निश जोड़ा जाता है - एक व्युत्पत्ति संबंधी नोट, शायद; या हाल ही में हुए विस्फोट, या उल्लेखनीय मौतों का विवरण। )
- Mix in lettuce and garnish with dill if liked. ( सलाद में मिलाएं और पसंद आने पर डिल के साथ गार्निश करें। )
- Serve the fish with a garnish of lemon. ( मछली को नींबू के गार्निश के साथ परोसें। )
More Sentence
- Garnish with gherkins and cherry tomatoes.
- Check seasoning and garnish with parsley.
- Garnish with a sprig of basil.
- Sprinkle remaining crumbs on top; garnish with any additional crushed candy
- them all equals to the citizens of Athens: 16 And the holy temple, which before he had spoiled, he would garnish with goodly gifts,
- Add the raisins, peach (reserving 1 tablespoon for garnish) and raspberries (reserving 2 tablespoons for garnish)
- Garnish with the reserved almonds, peach and raspberries
- If desired, garnish with some of the spinach in the center
- Garnish with tomatoes, capers, anchovies, mozzarella cheese, black olive halves, oregano
- Garnish with orange segments and toasted almonds.
- Garnish with fresh basil and serve cold.
- Garnish dish with cilantro and green onions.
- Garnish with mushrooms and surround with butter sauce.
- some flowers are edible and make attractive salad garnish
- Choosing hatred as a "besom" or broom to clear the soul of "impurities," he evokes the biblical image of the soul swept and garnished to await the bridegroom's coming.