gala - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of gala in Hindi

  • पर्व
  • उत्सव
  • आडंबर
  • गाला
  • पर्व का दिन

gala Definition


  • a social occasion with special entertainments or performances.

gala Example

  • The gala evening was attended by royalty and politicians.b (पर्व संध्या में राजघरानों और राजनेताओं ने भाग लिया।)
  • I would like to thank you all for attending our gala this evening. (मैं आज शाम हमारे समारोह में शामिल होने के लिए आप सभी को धन्यवाद देना चाहता हूं।)
  • The miners' welfare committee organizes the annual children's gala and old folks' meals are served there twice or three times a week. (खनिक कल्याण समिति वार्षिक बच्चों के पर्व का आयोजन करती है और वृद्ध लोगों के भोजन को सप्ताह में दो या तीन बार वहां परोसा जाता है।)
  • He was in attendance for the halftime gala two Fridays ago. (वह दो शुक्रवार पहले हाफटाइम पर्व के लिए उपस्थित थे।)
  • When the economy recovered, the Gala Days were not revived. (जब अर्थव्यवस्था में सुधार हुआ, तो गाला डेज़ को पुनर्जीवित नहीं किया गया था।)

More Sentence

  • a black-tie gala that begins with a cocktail reception
  • The gala culminated in a firework display.
  • Like many towns, Newmilns holds an annual gala day.
  • No official gala performances are being held at the theatres or music halls on the night of the celebrations.
  • Who throws a Halloween gala where no one dresses up?
  • He is the special guest on a gala occasion.
  • I have to get ready for the Kingsly gala.
  • Something goes out of our lives with the loss of the pipe and brass bands, and the children's galas.
  • The fashion shows are just the gala tip of the iceberg.
  • No. I was invited to some Kingsly gala
  • Every year the village puts on a gala day which is well attended by residents.
  • Once a week a gala dinner is held.
  • Tuesday night's Convention Gala at Embarcadero Park.
  • You're always welcome to call me, and I hope you think of me when you're prepping for the Spring Gala.
  • I have come to that conclusion despite there being no gala performances for me at the opera or a series of extravagant meals.