transgender - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of transgender in Hindi

  • ट्रांसजेंडर

transgender Definition

  • denoting or relating to a person whose self-identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender.

transgender Example

  • I took on the identity of a gay male instead of a transgender female because I thought it would be more socially acceptable.
  • More liberal readers argue that homosexuality, bisexuality, and transgender identity as we know them today did not exist when the Bible was written.
  • I'm not sure, given the rise of transgender activism, just how many combinations there are of male and female.
  • From sadomasochism to transgender activists, there isn't an inch of controversy that isn't covered.
  • By challenging women's space, transgender activists act the same as social conservatives.
  • If someone identifies that way, of course that is the correct word to use, but most people involved identify as transgender women, or simply transgender .
  • On the other hand, some transgender activists objected to the cap and the one-year waiting period for surgery.
  • When I told people that I identified as transgender , they thought I was a fake.