clued-up - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of clued-up in Hindi

  • संकेतित

clued-up Definition


clued-up Example

  • She’s really clued up on politics. ( वह वास्तव में राजनीति से जुड़ी हुई है। )
  • Ben’s more clued up on/about the cinema than I am. ( सिनेमा की तुलना में बेन के बारे में अधिक जानकारी मिली है। )
  • But are you really clued up on modern skincare? ( लेकिन क्या आप वास्तव में आधुनिक स्किनकेयर पर चढ़े हुए हैं? )
  • Paul is all clued up about literature. ( पॉल सभी साहित्य के बारे में जुड़े हुए हैं। )
  • In 2000 the " Times Educational Supplement " published an article titled " Clued up " in which Roger was interviewed by Steven Hastings. ( 2000 में "टाइम्स एजुकेशनल सप्लीमेंट" ने "क्लिस्ड अप" शीर्षक से एक लेख प्रकाशित किया जिसमें रॉजर का साक्षात्कार स्टीवन हेस्टिंग्स ने किया था। )

More Sentence

  • And especially if there's some indication that the person asking is not 100 % clued up . ?rodii ?22 : 16, 5 May 2006 ( UTC)
  • Ben's more clued up on/about the cinema than I am.
  • But are you really clued up on modern skincare?
  • He's quite clued up about music.
  • Michael is all clued up about radio.
  • I'm quite clued up on America.
  • Paul is all clued up about literature.
  • The runners-up however, take the money they won in the game, in the fourth and final series, however, the runners-up win the " All Clued Up " engraved pen set.
  • Since the work of unconfirmed editors isn't being deleted in AfC that shows that " they " are the ones who are clued up.
  • The queue of articles for the trial is pages that have this applied so that you are clued up for the discussion following the trial.
  • He’s pretty clued up on electronics.
  • He’s quite clued up about music.
  • Michael is all clued up about radio.