coherently - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of coherently in Hindi
- जुड़कर
- सुंसगति से
- संगतिपूर्वक
- सामंजस्य भाव से
coherently Definition
- (with reference to an argument, theory, or policy) in a logical and consistent way.
- in a way that forms a unified whole.
coherently Example
- he suffered a stroke that left him unable to walk or talk coherently ( उसे एक ऐसा आघात लगा जिससे वह चलने या बात करने में असमर्थ हो गया )
- She had finally calmed down and was able to speak coherently. ( वह आखिरकार शांत हो गई थी और सुसंगत रूप से बोलने में सक्षम थी। )
- At Arsuf the Christians fought coherently; here the battle began with a disjointed combat between the Templars and Saladin's right wing. ( अर्सुफ़ में ईसाइयों ने सुसंगत रूप से लड़ाई लड़ी; यहाँ लड़ाई टेम्पलर और सलादीन के दक्षिणपंथी के बीच एक असम्बद्ध लड़ाई के साथ शुरू हुई। )
- changeless perfection and creative freedom, spirit and matter, exist and are coherently related. ( चंचल पूर्णता और रचनात्मक स्वतंत्रता, भावना और पदार्थ, मौजूद हैं और सुसंगत रूप से संबंधित हैं। )
- coulomb excitation, which interferes coherently with the strong interaction, is a program option. ( Coulomb उत्तेजना, जो मजबूत बातचीत के साथ सुसंगत रूप से हस्तक्षेप करती है, एक कार्यक्रम विकल्प है। )
More Sentence
- Concentrate on making your points concisely and coherently.
- The text should be read aloud coherently.
- This system effectively combines several individual laser beams coherently into a single beam in phase.
- His head hurts, but he can talk coherently and answer questions, so there’ s.
- But when he did find spoken words for it, they came to him coherently, though slowly.
- Kirillov came out of his reverie and, strange to say, spoke far more coherently than he usually did; it was clear that he had formulated it long ago and perhaps written it down.
- I answered as quickly and coherently as I could that I had only got his telegram early in the morning, and had not a minute in coming here, and that I could not make any one in the house hear me.
- I resolved, in the depth of my heart, that I would be most moderate—most correct; and, having reflected a few minutes in order to arrange coherently what I had to say, I told her all the story of my sad childhood.
- Lea mourned her and felt guilty she had neglected her for so long but her mothers condition had deteriorated to the point where she could neither recognize Lea on the telephone nor talk coherently and Lea talked only to the nurses taking care of her.
- He actually sat crying in an armchair, and I could hardly get him to speak coherently.
- If you don"t think coherently, I guarantee that you won"t write coherently A Clash of Civilizations, n.
- Clarity glanced at her face and gathered that she was too angry to answer coherently to the police officer.
- When I could think coherently again, I looked around the room from where I sat trying to make my shirt presentable.
- Mr. Melbury explained the circumstances as coherently as he could.
- Because all the atoms move coherently,(Sentencedict) the information doesn't dissolve into random noise and get lost.
- Between the ages of seven and 12, children begin to reason logically and organize their thoughts coherently.
- Identify your problem area and define your objectives briefly and coherently in written form. 4.
- Unless the growing spirit of the movement could be harnessed coherently, mob rule would replace Unionist minority rule.
- Producers let it go for a bit, but then Phillips began showing up to rehearsal not even able to recite her lines coherently