ferment - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of ferment in Hindi


  • विक्षोभ
  • उबाल
  • उत्तेजना


  • ऊफान
  • फेन उत्पन्न करना
  • उत्तेजित करना
  • जगाना
  • विक्षोभ भरना
  • सड़ाना
  • खमीर उठना
  • संधान

ferment Definition


  • (of a substance) undergo fermentation.
  • incite or stir up (trouble or disorder).


  • agitation and excitement among a group of people, typically concerning major change and leading to trouble or violence.
  • a fermenting agent or enzyme.

ferment Example

  • Germany at this time was in a state of religious ferment. ( जर्मनी इस समय धार्मिक उत्तेजना की स्थिति में था। )
  • The reformulations are there because there is a ferment of thought in process, demanding words. ( सुधार इसलिए हैं क्योंकि प्रक्रिया में विचार का एक किण्वन है, शब्दों की मांग करना। )
  • Try its best to gather and create good sentences. ( अच्छे वाक्यों को इकट्ठा करने और बनाने की पूरी कोशिश करें। )
  • Saccharomyces Marxianus will not hydrolyse maltose, but it does attack cane sugar and ferment the products of hydrolysis.  ( Saccharomyces Marxianus माल्टोस को हाइड्रोलाइज नहीं करेगा, लेकिन यह गन्ना चीनी पर हमला करता है और हाइड्रोलिसिस के उत्पादों को किण्वित करता है। )
  • Yet there is a great religious fervor and ferment evident among not only young people but old and middle-aged as well. ( फिर भी न केवल युवा लोगों में बल्कि वृद्ध और मध्यम आयु वर्ग के लोगों में भी एक महान धार्मिक उत्साह और उत्साह स्पष्ट है। )

More Sentence

  • It has been proved that the secretion contains a digestive ferment capable of rendering proteid matter soluble.
  • Before the concert started, a popular comedian came out to ferment enthusiasm among the crowd.
  • Both Crick and Turner have purchased second refrigerators just to cold ferment their dough.
  • Meanwhile, to ferment the brew, old tribal women masticate more manioc and spit the juice into a bowl.
  • The ferment thus set free brings about the coagulation of the serum, which acts as a protective and temporary scaffolding to the injured tissues.
  • To serve the needs of bakers, manufacturers ferment the yeast to produce a more concentrated product.
  • The union leader hopes to ferment dissatisfaction amid the workers to force management to increase salaries.
  • The Keithite ferment quieted, but Pennsylvania was never again pure.
  • It would appear from the researches of the author and others that the mannitol ferment is more generally present in wines than is supposed to be the case.
  • If a non-guilty verdict is announced, hopefully the decision will not ferment protests and riots.
  • Such protestations ferment a running sore which breeds contempt for the authorities.
  • His attempts to isolate a glycolytic ferment from flesh were also only partially successful.
  • With the city in such a ferment, they could be stopped on a whim by police or soldiers.
  • The media tried to ferment public unrest by repeatedly publishing articles about the crooked police officer.
  • The service is in ferment at the moment, the knives are out.
  • Half the people in the kingdom were dying of hunger, while the court was insulting poverty by its luxury and waste; and from 1750 onwards political ferment was everywhere manifest.
  • Catnip will usually ferment our lazy cat into a hyperactive state.
  • The whole country has been in a state of political ferment for some months.
  • The restaurant's kimchi takes a month to ferment, so the first December batch is ready to harvest this week.
  • From this creative ferment " Leipzig Lens 2005 " brings together an exciting selection, focussed on key themes of current photographic discourse.
  • Scrape down the sides of the bowl, cover, and leave to ferment at room temperature for 1 hour.
  • There were hints of ferment in the walkouts of essential workers and the record turnout at protests following the murder of George Floyd.