deforestation - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of deforestation in Hindi
- वनों की कटाई
- वनोन्मूलन
- निर्वनीकरण
- वन-कटाई
- वन रहित करना
- वननाशन
deforestation Definition
- the action of clearing a wide area of trees.
deforestation Example
- a key aim is to try to halt widespread deforestation in the Amazon ( एक प्रमुख उद्देश्य अमेज़ॅन में व्यापक वनों की कटाई को रोकने का प्रयास करना है )
- The process of reckless deforestation is perceptible in certain districts. ( कुछ जिलों में लापरवाह वनों की कटाई की प्रक्रिया बोधगम्य है। )
- The destruction of trees by charcoal-burners has resulted in the almost complete deforestation of the island. ( चारकोल-बर्नर द्वारा पेड़ों के विनाश के परिणामस्वरूप द्वीप के लगभग पूर्ण वनों की कटाई हुई है। )
- Deforestation has environmentalists worried for numerous reasons. ( वनों की कटाई से पर्यावरणविद कई कारणों से चिंतित हैं। )
More Sentence
- Deforestation occurs when a forested area is transformed into a non-forested area.
- While deforestation is often caused by lumbering operations, an out of control forest fire can wipe out a forest as well.
- The best way to prevent deforestation is to replace the trees that are cut down with new seeds and saplings to make up for the loss.
- Sometimes deforestation occurs because humans need to clear out all of the trees in an area to make room for a human settlement.
- Deforestation is a great danger today because new machines make it easy to cut down trees in large numbers in a small amount of time.
- Under de Quincey's administration the islands prospered; the cultivation of cotton and coffee was then begun, much of the land being deforested for this purpose - a deforestation practically completed when vanilla was introduced.
- Producing paper encourages deforestation and other negative environmental impacts.
- Like all animals living in the Amazon rainforest, the silvery marmosets are threatened by deforestation caused by logging and farming.
- Another big problem with conventional coffee farming is that it encourages deforestation.
- Deforestation leads to more landslides during heavy rains - which in the case of Caribbean hurricanes kill more people than the wind itself.
- Pygmy hippos are extremely rare in the wild, mainly due to deforestation for the timber trade.
- deforestation caused by foreign logging companies