fiendish - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of fiendish in Hindi

  • पैशाचिक
  • नीच
  • दुष्ट
  • शैतान-सा
  • राक्षस-सा

fiendish Definition


  • extremely cruel or unpleasant; devilish.

fiendish Example

  • a fiendish problem. ( एक शैतानी समस्या। )
  • The savages took fiendish delight in torturing their prisoners. ( जंगली जानवरों ने अपने बंदियों पर अत्याचार करने में बड़ा आनंद लिया। )
  • He takes a fiendish delight in hurting people.  ( वह लोगों को चोट पहुँचाने में एक पैशाचिक आनंद लेता है। )
  • Their limbs are tipped with sharp-claws, and their faces usually bear a fiendish, toothy grin.  ( उनके अंगों को तेज-पंजे के साथ इत्तला दे दी जाती है, और उनके चेहरे पर आमतौर पर एक तेज, दांतेदार मुस्कराहट होती है। )
  • Heathcliff chuckled a fiendish laugh at the idea. ( हीथक्लिफ ने इस विचार पर तीखी हंसी उड़ाई। )
  • Many fiendish creatures are pets or servants or spies or such of demons and devils.  ( कई पैशाचिक जीव पालतू जानवर या नौकर या जासूस या ऐसे ही राक्षस और शैतान हैं। )
  • Business competition can be fiendish at times. ( व्यावसायिक प्रतिस्पर्धा कई बार उग्र हो सकती है। )
  • Great game and reminiscent of In Memoriam, tho not quite so fiendish, but a shared thread of the Sol Invictus. ( महान खेल और इन मेमोरियम की याद ताजा करती है, जो इतना पैशाचिक नहीं है, लेकिन सोल इनविक्टस का एक साझा धागा है। )

More Sentence

  • At first, they resemble the union of an ant, a scorpion and a spider, but their real fiendish shape can not be compared to any other creature.
  • Unlike a Barbarian , however , a fiendish rage drake is not fatigued after raging.
  • The original show was set on a remote farm in the hills of Ireland where contestants gathered to test their nerve against three fiendish games.
  • Don't be so fiendish . A fiendish person is never welcomed.
  • In each case, the fiendish producer threatens decent people and innocent children.
  • That sounds so simple, but the ambiguity is fiendish enough to keep the hounds confused.
  • You can also pick up a gruesome gargoyle or some fiendish Hallowe'en outfits.
  • I don't know why you girls get such fiendish delight in defeating men.
  • The final installment in John Richardson’s mammoth biography reveals the artist’s fiendish control over his admirers.
  • Put fiendish language translation adult language category, involving the basic operating chain.
  • Characterisation has never been so much frightfully fiendish fun!
  • Not to mention adding a fiendish new fashion icon to your Halloween costume vision board!
  • I can not imagine who the people were who thought up such fiendish dodges, but they stopped at nothing.
  • How can farmers plan next year's programme, when they are having a fiendish struggle with their banks to survive this winter?
  • I think, too, that to make it a criminal offence might open the door to a perfectly fiendish type of blackmail.
  • It was somehow medieval and hushed, in the shadow of the pit and its fiendish machinery.
  • For revenge, Archimedes devised a fiendish computational problem that involved truly immense numbers.
  • The new plant near Berlin probably won’t prove so fiendish.
  • Unlike Bernie he doesn't take a back seat but competes in the events whose fiendish formats he invents.
  • The enemy, supposing we were disabled, set up a fiendish yell of triumph.
  • Napalm is among the most fiendish of chemical weapons.
  • The attacks on the most needy in our community have been more fiendish.
  • Ordinary people everywhere recoil and turn away in fear from these fiendish brutes of agents.
  • shrieks of fiendish laughter.