comman room - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of comman room in Hindi
- सामूहिक कमरा
- आम कमरा
- विनोद कक्ष
- साधारण कक्ष
comman room Definition
- a room in a school or college for use of students or staff outside teaching hours.
comman room Example
- dinee main College building contains the chapel, dining halls, common rooms and admin offices. ( dinee मुख्य कॉलेज भवन में चैपल, डाइनिंग हॉल, कॉमन रूम और एडमिन कार्यालय हैं। )
- This is especially important when sharing a computer with a roommate, utilizing WiFi or using public computing facilities, such as the library or university common room. ( यह विशेष रूप से महत्वपूर्ण है जब एक कंप्यूटर को रूममेट के साथ साझा करना, वाईफाई का उपयोग करना या सार्वजनिक कंप्यूटिंग सुविधाओं का उपयोग करना, जैसे कि पुस्तकालय या विश्वविद्यालय का आम कमरा। )
- Each house has a common room and dormitories where students sleep and spend their free time. ( प्रत्येक घर में एक सामान्य कमरा और शयनगृह हैं जहां छात्र सोते हैं और अपना खाली समय व्यतीत करते हैं। )
- Most modern facilities ( computer lab, student kitchen, common room and balcony ). ( अधिकांश आधुनिक सुविधाएं (कंप्यूटर लैब, स्टूडेंट किचन, कॉमन रूम और बालकनी)। )
More Sentence
- When we get back to the common room tonight, we'll both have partners - agreed?
- The noise from the Common Room miraculously extinguished with the closing of the door.
- Tonight, when we get back to the common room, we'll both have partners. Agreed?
- Computer should be kept in a common room in the house, not in the child's bedroom.
- At the minute my role encompasses those of a general welfare officer, equal opportunities and LGBT reps normally associated with common rooms.
- To verify the accuracy and reliability of the system, contrast tests on reference sound power source and small motor are performed respectively in a semianechoic chamber and a common room.
- You can have your meals, watch television, and enjoy various recreations in the common room.
- Here is our engineering office ( drawing office, control room, laboratory, meeting room, common room, rest room ).
- To the south is a door leading to the Hufflepuff common room and the kitchens.
- All of these are passwords to get into Gryffindor common room unless noted otherwise.
- If your children are small, perhaps the reading nook should be either in a common room or the parent and child should each have a chair in the child's room.
- I stared at the picture for so long that when I looked up again, I was surprised to see the nubbly orange couches and cream-colored walls of the common room.
- Another move toward progress is to gauge the atmosphere in common rooms such as school computer labs.