favourable - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of favourable in Hindi
- अनुकूल
- शुभ
- उपकारक
- भाग्यशील
- लाभदायक
- हितकारी
- गुणकारी
- सहायक
favourable Definition
- expressing approval.
- to the advantage of someone or something.
favourable Example
- a very favorable, sometimes glorious, October (एक बहुत ही अनुकूल, कभी-कभी शानदार, अक्टूबर)
- a favorable prognosis (अनुकूल पूर्वानुमान)
- their demands rarely received a favorable response (उनकी मांगों को शायद ही कभी अनुकूल प्रतिक्रिया मिली)
- the book received highly favorable reviews (पुस्तक को अत्यधिक अनुकूल समीक्षा मिली)
- by sailing toward the land first you will find more favorable wind (पहले भूमि की ओर नौकायन करके आप अधिक अनुकूल हवा पाएंगे)
- they made a settlement favorable to the unions (उन्होंने यूनियनों के अनुकूल समझौता किया)
- The Crusades had a favourable influence on the intellectual state of the Western nations. (पश्चिमी देशों की बौद्धिक स्थिति पर धर्मयुद्ध का अनुकूल प्रभाव पड़ा।)
- The maximum gradient possible depends on climatic conditions, a dry climate being the most favourable. (संभव अधिकतम ढाल जलवायु परिस्थितियों पर निर्भर करती है, शुष्क जलवायु सबसे अनुकूल होती है।)
- This last result of course is favourable to Elster and Geitel's views as to the source of the emanation. (निश्चित रूप से यह अंतिम परिणाम उत्सर्जन के स्रोत के रूप में एल्स्टर और गीतेल के विचारों के अनुकूल है।)
- In the rural districts of the northern provinces, the increase in population is much less than in the central provinces, the conditions of life being less favourable. (उत्तरी प्रांतों के ग्रामीण जिलों में, जनसंख्या में वृद्धि मध्य प्रांतों की तुलना में बहुत कम है, जीवन की स्थिति कम अनुकूल है।)
More sentences
- The ship forged ahead under a favourable wind.
- My first impression of him was favourable.
- Is he favourable to the proposal?
- The scheme might work better with more favourable circumstances.
- She gained a highly favourable impression of the company.
- The biography shows him in a favourable light.
- She made a favourable impression on his parents.
- Almost all of the reviews of the play were favorable.
- His answer was not favorable.
- His comments about the book were favorable.
- His new book met with a favorable reception.
- The applicant impressed the examiner favorably.
- The weather seemed favorable for the test flight.
- He made a favorable impression on his bank manager.
- I am looking forward to receiving your favorable answer.
- I'm looking forward to receiving a favorable answer from you.
- A favorable review of your play will appear in the next issue.