anonymous - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of anonymous in Hindi

  • गुमनाम
  • अनाम
  • नामरहित
  • अज्ञातकृत

anonymous Definition

  • (of a person) not identified by name; of unknown name. ( (किसी व्यक्ति का) नाम से पहचाना नहीं गया; अज्ञात नाम से। )

anonymous Example

  • The lobby is inhabited by several anonymous figures in white jumpsuits and hoods wearing surgical masks. ( लॉबी सफेद जंपसूट और हुड में सर्जिकल मास्क पहने कई गुमनाम शख्सियतों द्वारा बसाया गया है। )
  • We explained that the individual doctors would be anonymous . ( हमने समझाया कि व्यक्तिगत डॉक्टर गुमनाम होंगे। )
  • Their loyalty is to the Black Watch - not to some anonymous organisation. ( उनकी निष्ठा ब्लैक वॉच की ओर है - किसी अनाम संगठन की नहीं। )
  • The classic is called Everyman, it's from 1485, by an anonymous author. ( अनाम लेखक द्वारा क्लासिक को हरमैन कहा जाता है, यह 1485 से है। )
  • The fact is, this is a distinctive vehicle in a very bland, anonymous and nondescript market. ( तथ्य यह है, यह एक बहुत ही निंदनीय, बेनामी और नॉन्डस्क्रिप्ट मार्केट में एक विशिष्ट वाहन है। )
  • Hardly anyone was aware of his gifts, he was totally anonymous , to many he was just that quiet guy in Accounts who never got laid. ( शायद ही किसी को उसके उपहारों के बारे में पता था, वह पूरी तरह से गुमनाम था, कई के लिए वह सिर्फ इतना शांत आदमी था कि खातों में कभी नहीं रखा गया था। )
  • In that, they are far from unusual, claims one Scottish manager who prefers to remain anonymous . ( इसमें, वे असामान्य से बहुत दूर हैं, एक स्कॉटिश प्रबंधक का दावा है जो गुमनाम रहने के लिए पसंद करता है। )
  • As the anonymous reporter once said ‘never let the facts get in the way of a good story’. ( जैसा कि अनाम रिपोर्टर ने एक बार कहा था ‘तथ्यों को एक अच्छी कहानी के रूप में कभी न आने दें’। )
  • Individual benefactors, who wish to remain anonymous , have given generously. ( व्यक्तिगत लाभार्थियों, जो गुमनाम रहना चाहते हैं, ने उदारता से दिया है। )

More Sentence

  • Windowless, featureless, anonymous , it could only be a power station.
  • Here it was; an anonymous glass door, swirls of coloured glass within a metal frame.
  • Next to this biography, Phillips describes his own therapeutic dialogue with an anonymous patient.
  • And the seven women in black were anonymous because their robes made them so.
  • The usual suspects were there along with an anonymous crowd of unknowns.
  • I phoned Chris, my best friend when I was ten and now a Dublin journalist, and we staggered into an anonymous grey building.
  • At the same time, an anonymous couple have offered financial help.
  • They were almost impossible to censor and their authors were anonymous , so that retaliation against them was not possible.
  • At first it seems like any other grey, anonymous street but the further down you go, the more it feels like a gateway to another world.
  • Thanks to the anonymous reader who tipped me off to the food trend piece.
  • We are not mechanical pieces of a political machine, individuals in an anonymous society.
  • Without disclosure of the security files, these individuals would remain anonymous .
  • The shop was analysed by an anonymous customer who judged them on things such as customer service and quality of shop layout.
  • The twelve-month-old cat was rescued from the moors by an anonymous walker and delivered to Moggies Cat Rescue two weeks ago.
  • People are not anonymous in cyberspace, as they construct identities that they use there.
  • My only clue was a reference, buried in the article, to a book title by this anonymous author.
  • What had seemed an anonymous mob suddenly sprang into variety and colour.
  • If I had an old cooker I can take it in my anonymous car to the tip for recycling.
  • There were calls from two anonymous people that may prove very useful, but I need them both to ring back and I really urge them to do so.
  • They grew tall and anonymous , faceless obsidian columns studding the curved horizon.
  • He said we should never think we are unknown to Jesus, as if we were just a number in an anonymous crowd, but that each one of us is precious to him.