faculty - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of faculty in Hindi

  • संकाय
  • विभाग
  • शक्ति
  • क्षमता
  • योग्यता


  • मन की शक्ति
  • आंतरिक शक्ति
  • विशेषाधिकार
  • सुविधा
  • अनुज्ञा

faculty Definition


  • an inherent mental or physical power.
  • a group of university departments concerned with a major division of knowledge.
  • a license or authorization from a Church authority.

faculty Example

  • there were then no tenured women on the faculty ( तब संकाय में कोई कार्यरत महिला नहीं थी )
  • the English faculty ( अंग्रेजी संकाय )
  • the author's faculty for philosophical analysis ( दार्शनिक विश्लेषण के लिए लेखक के संकाय )
  • Added to this she had a wonderful faculty for description. ( इसके अलावा उनके पास वर्णन के लिए एक अद्भुत संकाय था। )

More Sentence

  • All that we do know certainly is that she has a good memory and imagination and the faculty of association.
  • He was three times elected dean of the faculty, in 1847, 1858 and 1863; and in 1861, rector magnificus.
  • In 1908 the faculty numbered 175, and the students 2277.
  • A correct sense of proportion and the faculty of seizing upon the dominant factors in an historical problem are the result partly of the possession of certain natural gifts in which many individuals and some nations are conspicuously wanting, partly of general knowledge of the working of the economic and political institutions of the period we are studying, partly of what takes the place of practical experience in relation to modern problems, namely, detailed acquaintance with different kinds of original sources and the historical imagination by which we can realize the life and the ideals of past generations.
  • Such artistic faculty as survived elsewhere issued in the lifeless geometric style which is reminiscent of the later Aegean, but wholly unworthy of it.
  • He became a licentiate of arts in 1367, procurator of the French "nation" in 1372, bachelor of theology in 1372, and licentiate and doctor in that faculty in 1381.
  • Still, perhaps it developed my critical faculties, who knows.
  • Prose and Robinson are on the regular faculty at the institute.
  • A biracial faculty committee has been appointed to hear student grievances.
  • It now has 5, 000 students and 500 faculty members.
  • Ciaranello joined the Stanford faculty as an assistant professor in 1978.
  • Their faculty understands the difference between an education and a degree.
  • Our emphasis is still that we need diversity on the faculty.
  • Many faculty bemoan the phenomenon of grade inflation, for example.
  • She joined the faculty there in 1954 and stayed until 1990.
  • Warren Funk, provost and dean of the faculty, said.
  • The faculty employed in this further investigation is no "separate moral faculty," but that same reason which is the source of all our knowledge - ethical and other.
  • In 1705 Cartesianism was still subject to prohibitions from the authorities; but in a project of new statutes, drawn up for the faculty of arts at Paris in 1720, the Method and Meditations of Descartes were placed beside the Organon and the Metaphysics of Aristotle as text-books for philosophical study.
  • On his return he became librarian to the university, and took the chair of recent philosophy at the faculty of letters.
  • the vicar introduced certain ornaments without the necessary faculty to do so