crucible - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of crucible in Hindi

  • क्रूसिबल
  • मूषा
  • घड़िया

crucible Definition


  • a ceramic or metal container in which metals or other substances may be melted or subjected to very high temperatures.

crucible Example

  • the crucible tipped and the mold filled with liquid metal ( क्रूसिबल इत्तला दे दी और तरल धातु से भरा साँचा )
  • their relationship was forged in the crucible of war ( युद्ध के क्रूसिबल में उनका रिश्ता जाली था )
  • Before the war everybody knew the typical bottle kilns which were crucibles not only for beautiful pottery but also of much human misery. ( युद्ध से पहले हर कोई विशिष्ट बोतल भट्टों को जानता था जो न केवल सुंदर मिट्टी के बर्तनों के लिए बल्कि बहुत मानवीय दुखों के लिए भी क्रूसिबल थे। )
  • Most schools, such as those in my constituency, are wonderful crucibles of racial harmony, where the children play, learn and pray together. ( अधिकांश स्कूल, जैसे कि मेरे निर्वाचन क्षेत्र में, नस्लीय सद्भाव के अद्भुत क्रूसिबल हैं, जहां बच्चे एक साथ खेलते हैं, सीखते हैं और प्रार्थना करते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • One of the earliest uses of platinum was to make crucibles.
  • After two or three hours' smelting the cooled crucibles are broken up, when the regulus appears in the shape and size of half an egg.
  • Thorium dioxide is a material for heat-resistant ceramics, e.g., for high-temperature laboratory crucibles.
  • I will form a crucible and smelt the steel within.
  • He picked up the small piece and put it in a crucible.
  • Training was a crucible, and it transformed Phil’s crew.
  • The hearth glowed in the smithy, and the silver swirled in the crucible.
  • Restore this to the great crucible; your abundance will flow forth from it.
  • Love is the sublime crucible wherein the fusion of the man and the woman.
  • Finding a nice affordable apartment is quite a crucible in this expensive town.  
  • The crucible of the race is the six-mile hike up the rocky mountain.  
  • During the scientific conference, the newly published theory will face a crucible of questions from unbelieving researchers.  
  • Creating a new product that fits a need is a crucible for many inventors.  
  • Because Phil survived the crucible of the first war, he felt he could handle anything that came his way at home.  
  • The team physical is the crucible that decides whether or not we are fit enough to play professional football.  
  • In a crucible of office politics, Frank lost favor with the company president and subsequently was terminated from his position.  
  • As with his controversial painting series on homelessness, his work centered on the indefatigable human spirit rather than on political and economic crucibles.
  • Morio uses stars and crucibles in conjunction with his canoes which are associated with sailors and navigation.
  • In this system, high-purity wrought iron, charcoal, and glass were mixed in crucibles and heated until the iron melted and absorbed the carbon.
  • Oil shale was used for production of shale oil using an early retorting method of heating the crushed oil shale put in crucibles.
  • Small hand-held ladles might also be crucibles that are fitted with carrying devices.
  • Then cupellation, crucibles, scorifiers and muffles are described.
  • Batches of silver were melted in crucibles with the addition of copper for a subtler alloy.