deployment - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of deployment in Hindi
- तैनाती
- परिनियोजन
- प्रविस्तारण
- पंक्तिबंधन
- फैलाव
deployment Definition
- the movement of troops or equipment to a place or position for military action.
- the action of bringing resources into effective action.
deployment Example
- The rapid deployment of high-speed cable internet services to consumers ( उपभोक्ताओं के लिए हाई-स्पीड केबल इंटरनेट सेवाओं की तेजी से तैनाती )
- The authorities announced deployment of extra security forces in towns and cities to prevent violence ( अधिकारियों ने हिंसा को रोकने के लिए कस्बों और शहरों में अतिरिक्त सुरक्षा बलों की तैनाती की घोषणा की )
- Marlborough, who personally directed the operations on his left wing, not only formed his line of battle successfully, but also began seriously to press the forces that had been sent to check his deployment. ( मार्लबोरो, जिन्होंने व्यक्तिगत रूप से अपने बाएं पंख पर संचालन का निर्देशन किया, ने न केवल अपनी लड़ाई की रेखा को सफलतापूर्वक बनाया, बल्कि अपनी तैनाती की जांच के लिए भेजे गए बलों पर भी गंभीरता से दबाव डालना शुरू कर दिया। )
- Addressing These Challenges Do such challenges provide an insurmountable barrier to deployment? ( इन चुनौतियों का समाधान क्या ऐसी चुनौतियाँ तैनाती के लिए एक दुर्गम बाधा प्रदान करती हैं? )
More Sentence
- commence 16-05-06 Closed 30-05-06; There will be a limited deployment during the week commencing 29th June.
- Recovery of the buoy to which it was attached required several minutes of searching at its GPS deployment position to locate it.
- There are still few standing joint forces ready for joint deployment and employment.
- Voters will go to the polls today with 95,000 police on the streets and 100,000 troops on standby for immediate deployment.
- The exploration of the deployment of pure geometric forms is an ongoing theme in Don Watson's work.
- Likewise, the Reserve forces will be revamped to have 2,800 troops in small units on standby for swift deployment.
- The nukes will spur Japanese deployment of ABMs and may nudge Japan toward deploying offensive forces.
- This tire deflation system offers the fastest deployment of any unit available.
- To register a listener, include a deployment descriptor for the listener class in the configuration file of the context
- discernment of vocation, training and deployment to first post.
- Missile deployment did much to further polarize opinion in Britain.
- Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy.
- But the deployment of Kurdish fighters in Kirkuk would be sensitive.
- Basis of Deployment Policy 1. Security Wireless LANs are inherently insecure.
- Kalido Ltd works closely with large system integrators for the deployment of the global projects.
- Yet there are at least a dozen reasons why organizations still prefer in-house application development and deployment.
- Deploying forces require near-real-time joint and/or interagency communications tailored for rapid deployment, en route operations, and links from strategic through tactical levels.
- a world leader in the development and deployment of wave and tidal power
- they agreed to round up their troops for immediate deployment
- a six-month deployment in the Gulf with the U.S. Navy