careless - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of careless in Hindi
- लापरवाह
- बेपरवाह
- असावधान
- छिछोरा
- अनुत्तरदायी
- चलचित्त
- असोच
- चंचल
careless Definition
- not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors. ( नुकसान या त्रुटियों से बचने के लिए पर्याप्त ध्यान या विचार नहीं करना। )
careless Example
- And the portraits, however careless they seem are not exactly casual snaps. ( और चित्रण, हालांकि लापरवाह वे वास्तव में आकस्मिक तस्वीरें नहीं हैं। )
- One result of careless scapegoating is that there is little or no time spent asking and answering the hard questions. ( लापरवाह बलि का एक परिणाम यह है कि कठिन सवालों को पूछने और जवाब देने में बहुत कम समय खर्च होता है। )
- He shrugged his slender shoulders in a careless manner still staring at her irately. ( उसने लापरवाह तरीके से अपने पतले कंधों को सरका दिया और अब भी उसे लापरवाही से घूर रहा था। )
- It was weird that she was staying here, nonchalant and careless , after the events that night. ( यह अजीब था कि वह उस रात की घटनाओं के बाद यहां रह रही थी, निर्लज्ज और लापरवाह। )
- Why 100,000 Americans die each year in our nation's hospitals as a result of careless medical mistakes. ( लापरवाह चिकित्सा गलतियों के परिणामस्वरूप हमारे देश के अस्पतालों में प्रति वर्ष 100,000 अमेरिकियों की मृत्यु क्यों होती है। )
More Sentence
- Some surface damage may also result from careless disc handling or simply from bad luck.
- The careless , the casual, the thoughtless reader will come away from them no wiser than he was before.
- However, you will have crash effects on your car if you get too careless and rough.
- He emerged as the great hope in 2001, then spent the next 12 months standing still, and his career is littered with careless errors and lame excuses.
- Shrugging in a careless way, Leanne yet again, flung her mother aside and stepped outside onto the street.
- Many question why these errors happen and whether they occur as the result of careless practices.
- Deciding that it was either now or never, I shrugged my shoulders in a careless manner, as if it were no big deal.
- The foremost cause of death in young men is not drink, fighting in the streets, careless driving or even drugs, though they may play a part.
- Employers have every right to take reasonable steps to protect themselves from harm from malicious or careless workers.
- Instead, they appear to result from the mere garbling of details by careless writers.
- Finally he handed it over with a careless shrug.
- Bad smart casual is when a man mixes inappropriate pieces in a careless manner.
- So we covered 1,500 kilometres and more - the actual spots seldom reveal themselves to a casual or careless traveller.
- Fire figures show that on average at least one person dies each year during Diwali celebrations as a result of careless use of candles.
- Young, brash and careless they are guilty of making basic errors.
- Another gift try was conceded when careless passing resulted in an interception, and so it went on as the home side failed to halt the flow of points against them.
- It looks as though Salisbury's careless talk may have cost her both her job and her freedom.
- He often did that, and as usual, her only reaction was a careless laugh.
- Of course it's good to get things right, but I'm afraid we're all capable of careless errors at times.
- Many security breaches result from a careless or indifferent attitude in the office.
- His casually careless attire and an ‘I care a damn attitude’ attract more attention.
- And, yes, there were tragic accidents to mar it, resulting from careless handling of the fireworks.
- ‘I never felt like I belonged in that world,’ he says with a careless shrug.
- They held their discipline, were running hard in the last few minutes and, despite a few careless errors and some touches of naivety, were never dull.
- Or else our future generations are certainly going to pay the price for our careless , negligent and easygoing approach to the whole issue.