doispersion - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of doispersion in Hindi

  • द्विविक्षेपण

doispersion Definition


  • Also dispersal. an act, state, or instance of dispersing or of being dispersed.

doispersion Example

  • The larger space between the treads results in increased water dispersion. ( धागों के बीच ज्यादा जगह होने से पानी का फैलाव बढ़ जाता है। )
  • Which is known as the dispersion relation for a free particle. ( जिसे एक मुक्त कण के लिए फैलाव संबंध के रूप में जाना जाता है। )
  • This is called dispersion and causes lenses to be wavelength dependent. ( इसे फैलाव कहा जाता है और लेंस को तरंग दैर्ध्य पर निर्भर होने का कारण बनता है। )
  • Carbocations are stabilized by the dispersion or delocalization of the positive charge ( सकारात्मक चार्ज के फैलाव या निरूपण द्वारा कार्बोकेशन को स्थिर किया जाता है )

More Sentence

  • Dispersion Stability Mechanisms : Charge Stabilization and Steric or Entropic Stabilization.
  • This process, along with dispersion, can produce optical solitons.
  • Corals provide a good example of how sedentary species achieve dispersion.
  • Low dispersion glass may also be used to reduce chromatic aberration.
  • Nothing in our political system could be wiser than our dispersion into provinces.
  • They are apt to be characterized by less dispersion than those which are precipitated by crises.
  • The dispersion of man must have been anterior to the development of any but the rudest arts.
  • Factors of dispersion and concentration are also involved in apportionment of fighting strength.
  • In distant operations some dispersion is required to safeguard long lines of communication.
  • Proper dispersion is, therefore, a requirement to be met, while undue dispersion is to be avoided.
  • The great dispersion had begun of Irish deported, exiled, or cast out by emigration.
  • The additive nature of the dispersion effect has another useful consequence.
  • Dispersion strengthening is a similar example from the field of metallurgy.
  • It's difficult to see dispersion in a sentence .
  • As a result, nonzero dispersion shifted fiber is often used.
  • It does not mean that they model dispersion in the mesosphere.
  • This dispersion relation is nonlinear and is characteristic for every material.
  • Thus matters rested for one week, during which time Jesus prepared his followers for the impending dispersion.
  • In general, the greater dispersion of public information today puts a premium on information that is exclusive.
  • The dispersion of points is wide in both cases: when comparing the first strategy to the second one and vice versa.
  • Troup said he knew that orders had been given to remove them, but of their removal and dispersion he had not heard.
  • So do other proxies for uncertainty, such as analyst disagreement (the dispersion of beliefs in earnings forecasts).
  • A review article describes various attempts to describe dispersions / emulsions.
  • Modal dispersion occurs even with an ideal, monochromatic light source.