conformist - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of conformist in Hindi

  • कंफ़मिस्ट

conformist Definition


  • a person who conforms to accepted behavior or established practices.


  • (of a person or activity) conforming to accepted behavior or established practices; conventional.

conformist Example

  • the poet became more conformist in his later years ( कवि अपने बाद के वर्षों में अधिक मूर्त बन गया )
  • But his conformist image and manner belie his break with strait - laced Japanese business conventions. ( लेकिन उनकी अभिन्न छवि और तरीके ने स्ट्रेट-लेस जापानी व्यापार सम्मेलनों के साथ उनके ब्रेक को तोड़ दिया। )
  • The land of the free is often a very conformist society. ( मुक्त की भूमि अक्सर एक बहुत अनुरूप समाज है। )
  • Research shows that pupils who are good at maths tend to be more conformist and obedient than other pupils. ( शोध से पता चलता है कि जो छात्र गणित में अच्छे होते हैं, वे अन्य विद्यार्थियों की तुलना में अधिक अनुरूप और आज्ञाकारी होते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Suburbs have always been derided as bourgeois, consumerist and conformist.
  • For the traditionally conformist Japanese, that is no easy task.
  • You don't get anywhere being a conformist ."
  • In conformist Japan, appearing enthusiastic about the Olympics is important.
  • Several non-conformist chapels once also existed in the village.
  • Chilwell has had a long-standing non-conformist population.
  • Traditionally, the Cornish have been non-conformists in religion.
  • In contrast, the older brothers are more conformist and conventional.
  • Lagrange's outspoken views have left him well outside the conformist political mainstream.
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
  • Like the mass media, popular prints perpetuated escapist, conservative and conformist ideals and outlooks.
  • Our children's creativity is being beaten down by the conformist educational system.
  • These were more numerous and more complicated than the two groups of conformist and non-conformist boys identified by Willis.
  • Mr Gordon now feels forced into an ever more conformist way of running his practice.
  • Just because your dress differently than others does not mean that you are non - conformist.
  • Previously, many people were passive, conformist churchgoers, experiencing church as a television without a remote control.  
  • The Western system functions by allowing small islands of dissent in an overwhelming sea of conformist propaganda.
  • As long as a pupil is quiet, inconspicuous and conformist, everything is fine.  
  • Far from daring, he was a conformist, reinforcing the majority culture views of New Yorker readers.
  • Now, in this increasingly conformist society, even students are joining in with the spirit of censorship.  
  • I also like Mill's querulous intolerance of the conformist pressure of orthodoxy and his impatience with unthoughtfulness.  
  • He gets a job working for IBM, the acme of corporate, conformist paternalism, the antithesis of bohemianism.
  • I agree that romanticism aestheticizes everything but I do not see it as conformist in the way you do.
  • It distinguished more hip African - Americans from their short - haired conformist counterparts.