rubber - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of rubber in Hindi


  • रबर
  • रबड़
  • घिसने व्यक्ति
  • रगड़नेवाला व्यक्ति
  • रब़ड़

rubber Definition


  • a tough elastic polymeric substance made from the latex of a tropical plant or synthetically.
  • a contest consisting of a series of successive matches (typically three or five) between the same sides or people in tennis, cricket, and other games.

rubber Example

  • the total score, including 700 for the rubber, was 2,620 ( रबर के लिए 700 सहित कुल स्कोर 2,620 . था )
  • They had the consistency of rubber mats. ( उनके पास रबर मैट की स्थिरता थी। )
  • Modern Plymouth has varied and important manufactures comprising cordage, woollens, rubber goods, &c. In 1905 the total value of the factory products was $11,115,713, the worsted goods and cordage constituting about nine-tenths of the whole product. ( आधुनिक प्लायमाउथ में कॉर्डेज, वूलेंस, रबर के सामान, और सी सहित विविध और महत्वपूर्ण विनिर्माण हैं। 1905 में कारखाने के उत्पादों का कुल मूल्य $11,115,713 था, सबसे खराब माल और कॉर्डेज पूरे उत्पाद का लगभग नौ-दसवां हिस्सा था। )
  • Young rubber plants in foreground. ( अग्रभूमि में युवा रबर के पौधे। )

More Sentence

  • It is also used in the manufacture of rubber goods.
  • It is a rubber ball, you say.
  • Then, too, there are rubber bumpers to take the recoil.
  • Continental Tyre & Rubber Co.
  • The outer surface has a tendency to collect rubber and dirt.
  • The young man he had been addressing had thrown off his rubber coat.
  • I should judge the rubber juice to have been of very high proof indeed.
  • It looked like red rubber and was about half an inch in diameter.
  • Inside the dairy she shucked her coat and rubber boots, slipping into a pair of western boots she always kept in the barn.
  • Gum and rubber are the chief forest products.
  • Rubber and some other natural products are exported.
  • she supplemented her income with her winnings at rubber bridge
  • the opening rubber of Britain's Davis Cup tie against Argentina