expression - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of expression in Hindi

  • अभिव्यक्ति
  • व्यंजक
  • अभिव्यंजना
  • उक्ति
  • व्यंजना
  • प्रवाद
  • मुखाकृति
  • वाक्यांश
  • पद
  • निष्पीड़न

expression Definition


  • the process of making known one's thoughts or feelings. ( किसी के विचारों या भावनाओं को जानने की प्रक्रिया। )
  • the look on someone's face that conveys a particular emotion. ( किसी के चेहरे पर देखो जो एक विशेष भावना को व्यक्त करता है। )
  • a word or phrase, especially an idiomatic one, used to convey an idea. ( एक शब्द या वाक्यांश, विशेष रूप से एक मुहावरेदार, एक विचार व्यक्त करने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है। )
  • the production of something, especially by pressing or squeezing it out. ( किसी चीज का उत्पादन, विशेषकर उसे दबाकर या निचोड़कर। )
  • the appearance in a phenotype of a characteristic or effect attributed to a particular gene. ( एक विशेष जीन के लिए जिम्मेदार विशेषता या प्रभाव के फेनोटाइप में उपस्थिति। )

expression Example

  • This sense of failure in turn leads to the expression of impatience and anger toward the bereaved person.
  • Even Reagan had a puzzled expression upon her face.
  • they found expression through dance
  • Our culture tends to block and suppress the healthy expression of deep emotions.
  • Manipulating the expression of genes in eukaryotic cells is so easy because transcribing eukaryotic genes is so hard.
  • When he came back to our room he wore a pained expression on his face.
  • artistic expression
  • It is used to give a vibrant and colourful expression to a variety of floral subjects painted in conventional and abstract settings.
  • gene expression
  • nowhere is the expression “garbage in, garbage out” any truer
  • His life shows that his unruly spirit found expression , joy, and satisfaction in scientific thinking and creation.
  • Trent rolled his eyes but smiled when he saw Ally's puzzled facial expression .
  • Folk music has often given form and expression to working communities needs and desires.
  • Ask any musician and they will tell you that music is about expression and conveying emotion.
  • essential oils obtained by distillation or expression
  • For the modernist artist or writer, intellect had become a barrier to creativity and the expression of human emotion.
  • Puppets have been a sophisticated means of artistic expression , communication and instruction for a very long time.
  • All six genes putatively involved in biosynthetic processes have detectable expression .
  • Harold's pained expression changed rapidly to one of anger.
  • he gave a clear expression of his objectives
  • Her sobs died away, her pained expression softening.
  • Walter sat and watched Richard's pensive face as he read, which eventually led to an expression of horror and fury.
  • Is it enough to consider the artifact as evidence of the problem solved, as an expression of the idea revealed?
  • we have an expression, ‘You don't get owt for nowt.’
  • These mechanisms are crucial links between the molecular biology of gene expression and life-history.
  • a commonly used expression
  • His father's stern expression melts away, and a smile forms on his face too.
  • He could see the shocked expression in her eyes turn to hurt.
  • expression of the TAT gene is restricted to the parenchymal cells
  • Miguel saw her happy facial expression falter and knew something was up.