bread - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bread in Hindi
- रोटी
- ब्रेड
- आहार
- जीविका
- ब्रेद
- कमाना
- फुल्का
bread Definition
- food made of flour, water, and yeast or another leavening agent, mixed together and baked. ( आटा, पानी, और खमीर या अन्य लेवनिंग एजेंट से बना भोजन, एक साथ मिलाया और पकाया जाता है। )
- money. ( पैसे। )
bread Example
- Now this was according to God's will, so that the church might be provided with pure altar bread made by the hands of a chaste and innocent youth. ( अब यह भगवान की इच्छा के अनुसार था, ताकि चर्च को एक पवित्र और निर्दोष युवाओं के हाथों से बनी शुद्ध वेदी की रोटी प्रदान की जा सके। )
- Trial by blessed bread was a test for priests, for it was assumed guilty clergy would choke on hallowed food. ( धन्य रोटी के लिए परीक्षण पुजारियों के लिए एक परीक्षण था, क्योंकि यह माना जाता था कि दोषी पादरियों को दालान भोजन पर चटाना होगा। )
- There also is no mention of the familiar words of blessing over the bread and cup. ( ब्रेड और कप पर आशीर्वाद देने के परिचित शब्दों का भी उल्लेख नहीं है। )
- When you receive communion, Jesus is present to you in the bread and in the wine. ( जब आप साम्य प्राप्त करते हैं, तो यीशु आपके पास रोटी और शराब में मौजूद होता है। )
- In preparation, the women have baked 500 loaves of bread to share with their visitors. ( तैयारी में, महिलाओं ने अपने आगंतुकों के साथ साझा करने के लिए 500 रोटियां सेंकी हैं। )
- Unfortified whole wheat bread and bread baked from cake flour will still be available. ( केक के आटे से पकाए गए बिना पके हुए पूरी गेहूं की रोटी अभी भी उपलब्ध होगी। )
- They are as important to the quality of his bread as the flour, salt, and oil he uses. ( वे उसकी रोटी की गुणवत्ता के लिए उतने ही महत्वपूर्ण हैं जितना कि आटा, नमक और तेल। )
- Other ways of using the fruit include drying slices and grinding them into flour for bread . ( फल का उपयोग करने के अन्य तरीकों में स्लाइस को सुखाने और उन्हें रोटी के लिए आटे में पीसना शामिल है। )
More Sentence
- While we waited, hot freshly baked bread rolls were brought to the table along with a very large pepper mill.
- I hate doing this, but I need the bread
- This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
- The bread was to represent Jesus' body, which, according to Rees, was broken for everyone.
- altar bread
- The other kind of bread makes us strong in our love for God, other people, and ourselves.
- a loaf of bread
- The smells were of fresh mint and coriander, of bread baking in a wood oven.
- I don't have the bread to buy a new bike.
- The uncreative tell the creative what to do because they want the bread .
- The Secretary-General is supposed to bake bread without flour, much less yeast.
- The symbolic bread was broken and given to the disciples with instruction to eat it.
- The church is necessary, because we cannot break the bread and drink the wine alone.
- On the kitchen counter sat a freshly baked loaf of bread and a large chocolate cheesecake.
- Then we are ready for Jesus to reveal himself to us in the breaking of the bread during Communion.
- Sooner rather than later, you really must bake a loaf of bread .
- She's going to be tired and irritable, and bound to bring up the subject of who earns the bread .
- Substitute whole-grain flour for half or all of the white flour when baking bread .
- I invite you to come now and to eat the living bread and drink the new wine of Christ and His Gospel.
- I was making a stew which would hopefully last a few days and I'd also baked a loaf of bread earlier.
- My flesh, Jesus said, is the bread of life given for the world, bread willing to be broken.
- Baking a loaf of bread will change the way you think about food.