overdose - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of overdose in Hindi

  • जरूरत से ज्यादा
  • अधिमात्रा

overdose Definition


  • an excessive and dangerous dose of a drug.


  • take an overdose of a drug.

overdose Example

  • I took an overdose of sleeping pills and ended up in the hospital ( मैंने नींद की गोलियों का ओवरडोज़ लिया और अस्पताल में समाप्त हो गया )
  • Another friend had died of a drug overdose in another state. ( दूसरे राज्य में ड्रग ओवरडोज से एक और दोस्त की मौत हो गई थी। )
  • Here's what overdosing on watching sports does for you. ( यहां बताया गया है कि खेल देखने का ओवरडोज आपके लिए क्या करता है। )
  • A pathologist who did an autopsy did not spot the overdose. ( एक रोगविज्ञानी जिसने एक शव परीक्षण किया था, उसे अधिक मात्रा में नहीं मिला। )

More Sentence

  • Happens all the time _ heroin overdose, dead on arrival.
  • One can easily overdose on visiting gardens and overspend buying plants.
  • Of course the overdose of caffeine isn’t helping.
  • Preliminary testing suggests an opiate drug overdose.
  • Monroe died of a drug overdose of Nembutal and Chloral.
  • Well the inquest is next week, overdose I heard said Mark.
  • According to the police report, she died from a drug overdose.
  • That’s when we found out she’d taken an overdose of cocaine.
  • Diazepam Addiction: The Adverse Effects and Dangers Of Overdose.
  • At least she had been warned about the possibility of an overdose.
  • I’ll tip the balance, overdose of lucid memoirs seclusion of the.
  • This, in fact, is the usual cause of death in cases of narcotics overdose.
  • Although zinc is important for the reproductive health, overdose of zinc may.
  • Original guitarist Hillel Slovak died of a heroin overdose in 1988.
  • The next year, a neighbor died of a drug overdose.
  • And wild fluctuations in street purity raise the risk of overdose.
  • Was it possible to overdose on vitamin C, we wondered?
  • He went home and took a near-fatal drug overdose.