confidante - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of confidante in Hindi
- विश्वासपात्र
confidante Definition
- a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others.
confidante Example
- The king did indeed make her the confidante of his affairs and of his resentment against the cardinal, but she, far from repeating his confidences to the minister, set herself to encourage the king in his resistance to Richelieu's dominion. ( राजा ने वास्तव में उसे अपने मामलों के विश्वासपात्र और कार्डिनल के खिलाफ अपनी नाराजगी के बारे में बताया, लेकिन उसने मंत्री को अपने विश्वास को दोहराने से दूर, राजा को रिचल्यू के प्रभुत्व के प्रतिरोध के लिए प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए खुद को स्थापित किया। )
- She had served the Queen, as an attendant, a playmate, and a confidante literally since infancy, but did not resent it. ( उसने रानी की सेवा की थी, बचपन से ही अटेंडेंट, प्लेमेट और विश्वासपात्र के रूप में सेवा की, लेकिन नाराजगी नहीं जताई। )
- Ben made a confidante of her in many things, but the truth was he was outgrowing her. ( बेन ने कई चीजों में उसका विश्वासपात्र बनाया, लेकिन सच्चाई यह थी कि वह उसे पछाड़ रहा था। )
- At twenty she had been the confidante of many, both from her married and her unmarried friends. ( बीस साल की उम्र में वह अपनी शादीशुदा और अविवाहित सहेलियों दोनों में से कई की विश्वासपात्र बन चुकी थी। )
More Sentence
- She was a busy good-natured little woman, the chosen confidante of all her female friends.
- In France the wife is the friend and confidante of her husband and often his mistress.
- Alick, ceasing to make a confidante of his mother, began to make a friend of Mr. Gryce.
- Helen did not choose to make a confidante of her mother, so there was little fear of her contradicting anything.
- As Kris.s confidante of several hundred years, he knew most of the Immortal.s secrets.
- Share a professional concern with a close confidante or intimate Saturday, but come Sunday you must get on your soapbox.
- Marcel viewed his mother as a confidante and best friend.
- As confidante to six offspring, all children of the Sixties, she knows whole worlds unfamiliar to me.
- Confidante . You and another share a permanent mental bond.
- Denise served as her husband's muse and confidante until their divorce after 23 years of marriage.
- There were times when a semi-stranger was a better confidante than a close friend.
- She really talked as if I were a woman friend of her own age, her confidante.
- Lou was still the goddess of Marchmont Street, his confidante, his regular companion.
- Gambetta himself constantly urged her to marry him during this period, but she always refused, fearing to compromise his career; she remained, however, his confidante and intimate adviser in all his political plans.
- She accompanies the bride to her new home and functions as a companion, adviser and confidante.
- 21 Wilhelmina shared the unhappy childhood of her brother, Frederick the Great, whose friend and confidante she remained, with the exception of one short interval, all her life.
- As a teen-ager she was one of the girls no one wanted to be close to; she was too strange and unpredictable to be a confidante, too inconspicuous to be a subject of any confidences.
- My close friend and confidante was my cousin Kitty, the closest to me in age and the only other girl.
- He too, loved his 2 nd wife. She always patient and in fact is the merchant's confidante.
- Andre had been his confidante and mentor whose guidance had helped him navigate his role as the Immortals. leader.