actress - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of actress in Hindi

  • अभिनेत्री
  • ऐक्ट्रेस

actress Definition

  • a female actor. ( एक महिला अभिनेता। )
  • a woman whose job is to act in a play or film or on television. ( एक महिला जिसका काम किसी नाटक या फिल्म या टेलीविजन पर अभिनय करना है। )

actress Example

  • I always wanted to be famous, whether it be a pop star or an actress in theatre. ( मैं हमेशा से प्रसिद्ध होना चाहता था, चाहे वह पॉप स्टार हो या थिएटर में अभिनेत्री। )
  • She wants to become an actress and attends auditions in a state of nervous euphoria. ( वह एक अभिनेत्री बनना चाहती हैं और घबराहट की स्थिति में ऑडिशन देती हैं। )
  • The playwright and the actress divorced in the month when The Misfits was released. ( नाटककार और अभिनेत्री ने उस महीने में तलाक दिया जब द मिसफिट्स रिलीज़ हुई थी। )
  • His father was a house painter and his mother Elenora Duse was related to a famous actress . ( उनके पिता एक हाउस पेंटर थे और उनकी माँ एलेनोरा ड्यूस एक प्रसिद्ध अभिनेत्री से संबंधित थीं। )

More Sentence

  • The girl in question went on to have a successful career as a comedy actress , in both television and film.
  • She was a singer not an actress , but we did a reading and I saw she could listen and make adjustments.
  • She wants to be a dancer, an actress , a West-end star, but for now she serves me my burger and fries
  • She was a rising actress married to the scriptwriter and trombone player Bentley.
  • There are some fringe benefits to being an actress and one of those is meeting all those co-stars.
  • She may not have been a great actress but she was a star and she had it all.
  • Top actors or actresses are making millions of pounds for each film, much more than a footballer earns.
  • She said Lola would be a tough part to cast as there are many good actresses in the drama club.
  • I've done quite a number of roles which would be dream roles for other actresses .
  • Delivering the monologues are six actresses , each portraying a different type of mother.
  • Each one of the actors and actresses assuming the roles of the cats are tremendously talented singers and dancers.
  • Jamie was so excited about New York because a lot of her favorite actors and actresses have been there.
  • Budding actors and actresses are being hunted by producers of a new movie due to be filmed in East Lancashire.
  • It started with lots of great singing and dancing from some very talented actors and actresses .
  • A theatre company is encouraging a new breed of actors and actresses to take to the stage.
  • The talents of actors and actresses have contributed much towards the artistic power of the film.