autumn - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of autumn in Hindi
- पतझड़
- शरद ऋतु
- ऑटम
- शरद
- पतझड़
- शरत्काल
- शरद का
autumn Definition
- the season between summer and winter comprising in the northern hemisphere usually the months of September, October, and November or as reckoned astronomically extending from the September equinox to the December solstice
autumn Example
- A damp dull autumn morning was just dawning. ( एक नम सुस्त शरद ऋतु की सुबह बस ढल रही थी। )
- I spent the autumn months with my family at our summer cottage, on a mountain about fourteen miles from Tuscumbia. ( मैंने पतझड़ के महीने अपने परिवार के साथ हमारे ग्रीष्मकालीन कुटीर में, टस्कुम्बिया से लगभग चौदह मील दूर एक पहाड़ पर बिताए। )
- Advance in his religious ideas led him to seek the freer atmosphere of Strassburg in the autumn of 1529. ( अपने धार्मिक विचारों में प्रगति ने उन्हें 1529 की शरद ऋतु में स्ट्रासबर्ग के मुक्त वातावरण की तलाश करने के लिए प्रेरित किया। )
- To foal in the autumn shades. ( शरद ऋतु के रंगों में फुदकने के लिए। )
More Sentence
- It was a warm rainy autumn day.
- Where I live, autumn is ending.
- The autumn of that year was a.
- An autumn love cycle.
- When autumn winds are sobbing?
- It was the autumn of the year 1825.
- On her cheek an autumn flush.
- Examinations were the great autumn excitement.
- Autumn is the main mulching time.
- Autumn would be best, he thought.
- Autumn, you should come with me.
- And a smell of the autumn leaves.
- Doris followed suit with Autumn.
- In 1894 a more serious rebellion in the mountainous region of Sassun was ruthlessly stamped out; the Powers insistently demanded reforms, the eventual grant of which in the autumn of 1895 was the signal for a series of massacres, brought on in part by the injudicious and threatening acts of the victims, and extending over many months and throughout Asia Minor, as well as in the capital itself.
- The difference between summer and winter is, however, less at Melbourne than at any of the places mentioned, the result of a long series of observations being spring 57°, summer 65.3°, autumn 58.7°, and winter 49-2'.