baseball - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of baseball in Hindi
- बेसबॉल
- बैस्बाल
baseball Definition
- a ball game played between two teams of nine on a field with a diamond-shaped circuit of four bases. It is played chiefly in the US, Canada, Latin America, and East Asia. ( चार बेस के हीरे के आकार के सर्किट के साथ मैदान पर नौ की दो टीमों के बीच खेला जाने वाला एक बॉल गेम। यह मुख्य रूप से अमेरिका, कनाडा, लैटिन अमेरिका और पूर्वी एशिया में खेला जाता है। )
baseball Example
- The XFL gave us teams we didn't need, while major league baseball plans to take away teams we want. ( XFL ने हमें ऐसी टीमें दीं जिनकी हमें जरूरत नहीं थी, जबकि प्रमुख लीग बेसबॉल की योजनाएं हम चाहते हैं कि टीमों को दूर ले जाएं। )
- When he was at his peak, baseball and boxing were the only two truly national sports in America. ( जब वह अपने चरम पर था, बेसबॉल और मुक्केबाजी अमेरिका में केवल दो सही मायने में राष्ट्रीय खेल थे। )
- He did say he just loved the game of baseball and wanted to be at the center of all the action. ( उन्होंने कहा कि वह बस बेसबॉल के खेल से प्यार करते थे और सभी कार्रवाई के केंद्र में रहना चाहते थे। )
- He became enamored with the game of baseball when he moved to Canada for his high school years. ( जब वह अपने हाई स्कूल के वर्षों के लिए कनाडा चले गए, तो वे बेसबॉल के खेल से आसक्त हो गए। )
- At school, Eisenhower proved to be a star athlete excelling in both baseball and American football. ( स्कूल में, आइजनहावर बेसबॉल और अमेरिकी फुटबॉल दोनों में उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन करने वाले स्टार एथलीट साबित हुए। )
- Not too bad for a guy who grew up in an area of our country not known for professional baseball . ( उस आदमी के लिए बहुत बुरा नहीं है जो हमारे देश के एक क्षेत्र में बड़ा हुआ है जो पेशेवर बेसबॉल के लिए नहीं जाना जाता है। )
- It is unbelievable to me that the highest-paid team in baseball would start the season in such a deep funk. ( यह मेरे लिए अविश्वसनीय है कि बेसबॉल में सबसे अधिक भुगतान करने वाली टीम इतनी गहरी दुर्गंध में सीजन की शुरुआत करेगी। )
- I suppose that's the same appeal of watching baseball or golf or tennis live. ( मुझे लगता है कि बेसबॉल या गोल्फ या टेनिस लाइव देखने की यही अपील है। )
- a game of baseball ( बेसबॉल का एक खेल )
More Sentence
- Yes, very pleased for Johnny Damon and all them - they're my favourite team in baseball now.
- By the early twentieth century, baseball had become America's national sport.
- There were dire predictions of the demise of baseball as a major sport if a strike or lockout took place.
- a baseball player
- The concept is that correct baseball is a game of small details, and baseball is a game of details.
- a game of baseball
- That, of course, is what they said in baseball and now the sport is a discredited shambles.
- This is one of the saddest things for me in baseball because I see a ton of talent there.
- The highest level of baseball Wang ever played was on a Level B team for a record company years ago.
- This innovation led to the transformation of the Cardinals from one of the worst teams in baseball to one of the best.
- I had no idea of what was to come as we drove on home returning from my baseball game.
- So today we have to be a little bit more creative in getting these kids to play baseball .
- Until recently there was barely any testing of baseball players for steroids.
- They actually turn up at stadiums to cheer their baseball and football and ice hockey teams.
- baseball player
- He ordered seven dozen baseballs from Rawlings.
- In so doing, the baseballs dropped out of his ball bag.
- Inside the engineering marvel that likely was never really suited for baseball, there were just two people on the field and a few buckets of baseballs .
- As players were getting bigger, ballparks and strike zones were getting smaller, bats and baseballs were getting harder and the quality of pitching was declining.
- After the game, the kids were lined up along the rail from the dugout to shallow right field, with their scorecards and baseballs in hand, hoping for an autograph.
- When no one was in line, the owner of the hobby shop made sure Joe was busy, continually providing him with boxes of baseballs and photos to sign for subsequent sale.