exigencies - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of exigencies in Hindi
- मजबूरियों
- अनिवार्यता
exigencies Definition
- an urgent need or demand.
exigencies Example
- The constitution of the little state was dictated by Napoleon, and, subject to the exigencies of war, was on the French model. ( छोटे राज्य का संविधान नेपोलियन द्वारा निर्धारित किया गया था, और युद्ध की अनिवार्यता के अधीन, फ्रांसीसी मॉडल पर था। )
- The special characteristics of each are to be seen partly in the skill and genius of their makers, and partly in the exigencies of the site and the available materials. ( प्रत्येक की विशेष विशेषताओं को आंशिक रूप से उनके निर्माताओं के कौशल और प्रतिभा में देखा जाना चाहिए, और आंशिक रूप से साइट और उपलब्ध सामग्रियों की आवश्यकताओं में देखा जाना चाहिए। )
- He lived at a time when the exigencies of state seemed to require the peculiar talents which he possessed. ( वह ऐसे समय में रहते थे जब राज्य की आवश्यकताओं के लिए उनके पास विशिष्ट प्रतिभाओं की आवश्यकता होती थी। )
- Of course it is to be noted that the edge of the cutting tool is never allowed to trespass upon a line which the exigencies of the design require to be solid. ( बेशक यह ध्यान दिया जाना चाहिए कि काटने के उपकरण के किनारे को कभी भी उस रेखा पर अतिक्रमण करने की अनुमति नहीं दी जाती है जिसके लिए डिजाइन की अनिवार्यताओं को ठोस होना आवश्यक है। )
More Sentence
- It doesn’t put the rest of the business in danger (barring certain other exigencies).
- Then they had discussed the exigencies of the present; how the thing was to be played out.
- Astronomy and medicine received their first impulse from the exigencies of religious worship.
- Sometimes impending elections or other political exigencies produce a need for other public reactions as well.
- Our souls may rebel at its exigencies, but unless we happen to be millionaires, we cannot afford to flout the conventions.
- The sovereign feels that he must provide for such exigencies by saving, because he foresees the absolute impossibility of borrowing.
- In all probability he was neither the one nor the other, but a man of great ambition who, indifferent to religious considerations, made good use of the exigencies of the time.
- Here too the first steps were taken as the exigencies of the moment dictated.
- The exigencies of his quasi-sovereign position compelled him to have recourse to his formidable patron, whose reappearance on the banks of the Sihon created a consternation not easily allayed.