actually - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of actually in Hindi
- वास्तव में
- ठीक-ठीक
- वस्तुत
- सचमुच
- यथार्य में
actually Definition
- as the truth or facts of a situation; really. ( किसी स्थिति की सच्चाई या तथ्य के रूप में; वास्तव में। )
- used to emphasize that something someone has said or done is surprising. ( इस बात पर जोर देने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाता है कि किसी ने कुछ कहा है या किया है। )
actually Example
- I find myself sat despondently at my desk, trying to come to terms with the fact that I actually have to work for living. ( मुझे लगता है कि मैं अपने डेस्क पर निराश होकर बैठा हूं, इस तथ्य के साथ आने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं कि मुझे वास्तव में जीने के लिए काम करना है। )
- In fact, from the above conclusions the truth is actually even more complicated. ( वास्तव में, उपरोक्त निष्कर्ष से सच्चाई वास्तव में और भी जटिल है। )
- I was actually quite surprised that people were very eager to share their plants. ( मैं वास्तव में काफी हैरान था कि लोग अपने पौधों को साझा करने के लिए बहुत उत्सुक थे। )
- we must pay attention to what young people are actually doing ( हमें ध्यान देना चाहिए कि युवा वास्तव में क्या कर रहे हैं )
More Sentence
- That this situation continues and is actually getting worse is simply not good enough.
- In fact, my house actually backed onto their fields where I walked my dog every day, so it was hardly a trip into the unknown.
- It's a timely reminder of the fact that actually it isn't the media who have the power to make important decisions.
- The reason is that although it seemed like you had a valid contract, you actually did not.
- Before you say something about somebody, make sure that you actually know the facts.
- To her big surprise, she actually managed to get her car out of the ditch within moments.
- As I got older, I actually learned the truth, which is both better and worse than this.
- There is actually no truth whatsoever in this and we apologise to all.
- Scott was surprised that that we actually got to watch little kid movies in school.
- Despite appearances to the contrary, squirrels are actually pretty mean.
- the time actually worked on a job
- Somewhere in this mass of opinions and actual fact lies the truth about what is actually safe.
- To her surprise, the puppy actually obeyed her and walked cheerfully over to the tub.
- In the early days, many authors were surprised that we actually paid them to write for us.
- actually that's what I thought
- Oh, my copy of this album ( actually I have two) doesn't contain the bonus tracks.
- I was pleased to inform him that actually , I do have a full bike licence.
- The big surprise is that I actually hit some deliveries, although I have no idea how.
- This was slightly dampened by the fact that we actually know this guy.
- It took a second or two for Rieff to realise that Doyle was actually expecting an answer.
- I motioned for her to follow me into the barn and was surprised when she actually did.
- She had smiled, and it was nice and informal, but actually there is something slightly regal about her.
- actually that's what she said
- I am a small fry; actually I am just small and no fry because this statement has already fried me.
- She surprised me then by actually seeming to get annoyed about it.
- When he had agreed ( actually he had been dragged into it) to working in is his father's law firm he never knew it would be this much work.