bliss - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bliss in Hindi
- परमानंद
- आनंद
- परमानंद
- परम सुख
bliss Definition
- perfect happiness; great joy. ( सही खुशी; बड़ा आनंद। )
- reach a state of perfect happiness, typically so as to be oblivious of everything else. ( ख़ुशी की स्थिति में पहुँचें, आमतौर पर इसलिए कि हर चीज़ से बेखबर रहें। )
bliss Example
- Domestic bliss , not that it ever accurately described our family life, was definitely a thing of the past. ( घरेलू आनंद, ऐसा नहीं है कि यह कभी भी हमारे पारिवारिक जीवन का सटीक वर्णन करता है, निश्चित रूप से अतीत की बात थी। )
- But, drawn out of her spiritual bliss and feeling trapped, she quickly turns the tables. ( लेकिन, उसके आत्मिक आनंद से बाहर आकर और फंसा हुआ महसूस करते हुए, वह जल्दी से टेबल बदल देती है। )
- He supplicates before Lord Shiva for a boon of spiritual bliss . ( वह आध्यात्मिक आनंद के वरदान के लिए भगवान शिव के समक्ष प्रार्थना करता है। )
- The teachings are telling us that if we see it this way, we will experience great wisdom and great bliss . ( उपदेश हमें बता रहे हैं कि अगर हम इसे इस तरह से देखते हैं, तो हम महान ज्ञान और महान आनंद का अनुभव करेंगे। )
- They experience spiritual bliss and divine glory according to their individual spiritual capacities. ( वे अपनी व्यक्तिगत आध्यात्मिक क्षमताओं के अनुसार आध्यात्मिक आनंद और दिव्य महिमा का अनुभव करते हैं। )
- I'm sure that the promise of sheer bliss in the afterlife appeased some people's fears. ( मुझे यकीन है कि बाद के जीवन में सरासर आनंद का वादा कुछ लोगों के डर से खुश हुआ। )
- I recently asked a married couple who are friends of mine if they planned to have children now that they have settled into a life of domestic bliss . ( मैंने हाल ही में एक शादीशुदा जोड़े से पूछा जो मेरे दोस्त हैं अगर उन्होंने अब बच्चे पैदा करने की योजना बनाई है तो वे घरेलू आनंद की जिंदगी में बस गए हैं। )
- Domesticity is chic and desirable, and domestic bliss is what millions of women hanker for. ( घरेलूता ठाठ और वांछनीय है, और घरेलू आनंद लाखों महिलाओं के लिए हैकर है। )
More Sentence
- This feeling of being loved and supported by the Universe in general and by certain recognizable spirits in particular is bliss .
- He possesses a spiritual body composed of eternality, knowledge and bliss .
- So, it is possible to combine domestic bliss and socialising!
- We may have to go through many ‘lives’ before we achieve heavenly bliss .
- As if the last entry wasn't enough, here's another tale of domestic bliss .
- Those who are not in this category are deprived of such comfort and bliss .
- It's a scene of almost domestic bliss , it's joyous in some ways; it's familiar and heartwarming.
- With half-closed eyes he is immersed in meditation, in divine bliss .
- Years of bottled up emotions spilled out in one brief moment of perfect bliss .
- the bliss of heaven
- Concentration on the self, quelling the passions, and becoming calm are the hallmarks of this path, the goal of which is bliss .
- On the spiritual plane it is revealed in the experience of eternal bliss .
- It is preternaturally quiet, as in one of those movies in which scenes of domestic bliss are a harbinger of something truly horrible.
- she gave a sigh of bliss
- He was not a man by all accounts to have enjoyed domestic bliss .
- Although he wasn't in a habit, he had a beaming smile that suggested a state of spiritual bliss .
- It's just that domestic bliss is not necessarily their first priority in life and many can wait for most of a lifetime without feeling any loss.
- Before settling into domestic bliss his enjoyment at times meant that his training suffered.
- By then, my mother had already settled down to the life of domestic bliss and traditional values that feminism had rebelled against.
- I can live my life in perfect bliss knowing all too well that nothing I ever do will make any difference in this beautiful universe.
- We laughed of the laughter that only lovers know, the laughter of joy, contentment and relief, the laughter of pure bliss and happiness.
- Opiates flood you with dopamine, causing high levels of bliss .