bulletin board - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bulletin board in Hindi
- बुलेटिन बोर्ड
bulletin board Definition
- a board for displaying notices. ( नोटिस प्रदर्शित करने के लिए एक बोर्ड। )
bulletin board Example
- It has been 25 years since online community found its humble beginnings via the first computer bulletin board . ( 25 साल हो गए हैं जब ऑनलाइन समुदाय ने पहली कंप्यूटर बुलेटिन बोर्ड के माध्यम से अपनी विनम्र शुरुआत पाई। )
- Years ago, I used to write stories with other people, using online bulletin board systems (BBSs). ( वर्षों पहले, मैं ऑनलाइन बुलेटिन बोर्ड सिस्टम (बीबीएस) का उपयोग करके अन्य लोगों के साथ कहानियां लिखता था। )
- This is the same old story that has been repeated so many times on the bulletin board systems. ( यह वही पुरानी कहानी है जो बुलेटिन बोर्ड सिस्टम पर इतनी बार दोहराई गई है। )
- At the very end of the hallway was a bulletin board with a few scarce notices about report card distribution and an even emptier trophy case. ( दालान के अंत में बुलेटिन बोर्ड था जिसमें रिपोर्ट कार्ड वितरण और यहां तक कि खाली ट्रॉफी मामले के बारे में कुछ दुर्लभ नोटिस थे। )
- They sponsor and supervise online chatrooms, bulletin board message exchanges and keep the email systems running on track. ( वे ऑनलाइन चैटरूम, बुलेटिन बोर्ड संदेश एक्सचेंजों को प्रायोजित और पर्यवेक्षण करते हैं और ईमेल सिस्टम को ट्रैक पर रखते हैं। )
More Sentence
- Noticing a large bulletin board across from us, I walked over and scanned it; Jocelyn was close behind and did the same.
- I thought for sure someone had already created a great web based bulletin board system, but in fact, no one had.
- He pushed his way through a large group of chattering students who were reading the postings on the bulletin board .
- Next to the display was a bulletin board filled with letters and photographs and mementos.
- With the Internet, all they have to do is to post the rumors at the bulletin board systems or blogs and then the netizens will propagate the information.
- In the entryway they might notice a bulletin board advertising midwifery services, childcare, or book exchanges.
- Clark learned about the drivers' training course when he saw a notice about it on a bulletin board and signed up.
- Although there are Internet bulletin board systems, forums and blogs, they reflect but do not impact public trends and opinions.
- Storming down the corridor, I don't even notice the cast list hanging off the bulletin board .
- Since I am not a computer bulletin board participant, I have asked that the following be posted for me by a friend.
- By the time he'd hung up his jacket and backpack and pinned the construction paper fish with his name on it to the bulletin board , he was totally ready to go.
- You've earned the distinct honor of being the only person to write a craigslist ad that is now proudly displayed on the bulletin board in my office.
- The comment cards posted on the bulletin board at the Seattle showing indicate that the exhibit has gotten under viewers' skin.
- This is a bulletin board system at which hundreds of people can post essays and commentaries on current affairs.
- Customers are greeted with a glass of wine, a personal profile is filled out and a photo is taken and posted on a bulletin board .
- Students like reading about their classmates and seeing their artworks displayed on the bulletin board .
- He noticed she still had her bulletin board covered in the pictures of them growing up together back when they had been best friends.
- More experienced hackers with programming skills develop hacker programs and post them to the Web and to bulletin board systems.
- Before long, other bulletin board users were placing the smiley face in their messages.
- That spring afternoon of my senior year, I stared at the bulletin board reading the telegrams tacked up on it.
- A bulletin board system operator will be held responsible for what topics are and what the commentators say.
- A bulletin board behind her desk displays photos of her clients, who have names like Chipper and Chunk.
- Then she remembered the notice on the bulletin board earlier that day.
- A quick look at the official Web site bulletin board shows that people are already demanding more than the half-hour slot provided.
- She passed a desk and a bulletin board filled with notices and announcements.