eastern - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of eastern in Hindi

  • पूर्व का


  • पूरबी
  • प्राच्य


  • प्राच्यदेशवासी
  • पूर्वी
  • पुरवैया
  • पूर्व की ओर का

eastern Definition


  • situated in, directed towards, or facing the east.
  • living in or originating from the east, in particular the regions or countries lying to the east of Europe.

eastern Example

  • the eastern slopes of the mountain ( पहाड़ की पूर्वी ढलानें )  
  • He has ordered those loyal to him to open the eastern gates and let Memon's armies through, but I don't know when. ( उसने अपने वफादार लोगों को आदेश दिया है कि वे पूर्वी द्वार खोल दें और मेमन की सेना को जाने दें, लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि कब। )
  • I stepped away as he conversed with his eastern counterpart but I was too hyper to stand idly by, doing nothing. ( जब वह अपने पूर्वी समकक्ष के साथ बातचीत कर रहा था, तो मैं दूर चला गया, लेकिन मैं कुछ भी न करते हुए, आलस्य से खड़ा होने के लिए बहुत अधिक था। )
  • Body temperature in the eastern cottontail. ( पूर्वी कॉट्टोंटेल में शरीर का तापमान। )

More Sentence

  • Harry reached the fair grounds on the eastern edge of town.
  • Durian, an eastern fruit, 14.
  • The Eastern Wonderland.
  • The tall trees were draped in a white robe that had drifted to the earth, not snarled their way downward like the wind driven Eastern storms where snow was a dirty word, not the magical hush that mother nature bestowed on the mountains of the west.
  • The Eastern Command Center had served as the headquarters for the Eastern armies during the East-West Civil War.
  • Eastern Germany has become a very attractive place to do business.
  • From eastern Asia his generals conquered the wealthy principalities of Russia.
  • The team has ended up leading the Eastern League in attendance.
  • Across Eastern Europe, state-run economies have virtually collapsed.
  • Few Eastern Europeans believe that Serbia is a threat to them.
  • Eastern Europe is a region to court, rather than pressure.
  • Such precision would give new momentum to reform in Eastern Europe.
  • That is time enough to bring Eastern Europe into the alliance.
  • The emerops facility was across a field and a road then down a few blocks in the ghost town that was the city of Randolph on the eastern shores of the Mississippi.
  • eastern Long Island
  • an eastern religion