accessible - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of accessible in Hindi

  • सुलभ
  • अभिगम्य
  • सुगम
  • प्रवेश्य
  • प्राप्य
  • प्रवेश के योग्य

accessible Definition

  • (of a place) able to be reached or entered. ( (किसी स्थान का) पहुँचा या प्रवेश किया जाने योग्य। )
  • (of a person, typically one in a position of authority or importance) friendly and easy to talk to; approachable. ( (किसी व्यक्ति की, आमतौर पर अधिकार या महत्व की स्थिति में एक) अनुकूल और बात करने में आसान; पहुंचा। )

accessible Example

  • She complained that the steps up to the health centre were not accessible to anyone in a wheelchair or with a pram and called for structural improvements to be carried out on the centre urgently. ( उसने शिकायत की कि स्वास्थ्य केंद्र तक के चरण व्हीलचेयर या प्रैम में किसी के लिए सुलभ नहीं थे और संरचनात्मक सुधारों के लिए केंद्र में तत्काल पहुंचने का आह्वान किया। )
  • All of these tests were done in our large, airy, wheelchair accessible , multi-purpose community hall. ( ये सभी परीक्षण हमारे बड़े, हवादार, व्हीलचेयर के सुलभ, बहुउद्देश्यीय सामुदायिक हॉल में किए गए थे। )
  • Improved student facilities would also be provided, along with better access for staff and student wheelchair users to ensure the new campus is 100 per cent wheelchair accessible . ( बेहतर छात्र सुविधाएं भी प्रदान की जाएंगी, साथ ही कर्मचारियों और छात्र व्हीलचेयर उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए बेहतर पहुंच सुनिश्चित करने के लिए नए परिसर में 100 प्रतिशत व्हीलचेयर सुलभ है। )
  • This book is a pleasure to read and should be readily accessible to anyone with even a basic understanding of early American history. ( यह पुस्तक पढ़ने के लिए एक खुशी है और प्रारंभिक अमेरिकी इतिहास की एक बुनियादी समझ के साथ किसी के लिए भी आसानी से सुलभ होना चाहिए। )
  • Appreciation of context transforms knowledge to understanding, and only education can make that context accessible to us. ( संदर्भ की प्रशंसा ज्ञान को समझ में बदल देती है, और केवल शिक्षा ही उस संदर्भ को हमारे लिए सुलभ बना सकती है। )
  • Destitute area residents live in homes constructed of mud, sticks and stones and the villages are only accessible by mountain dirt roads and foot paths. ( निराश्रित क्षेत्र के निवासी मिट्टी, लाठी और पत्थरों से बने घरों में रहते हैं और गाँव केवल पहाड़ की गंदगी वाली सड़कों और पैदल रास्तों से ही पहुँचते हैं। )
  • The service and food were good as always, but this room is not accessible to elderly and handicapped people. ( सेवा और भोजन हमेशा की तरह अच्छा था, लेकिन यह कमरा बुजुर्गों और विकलांगों के लिए सुलभ नहीं है। )
  • But keep them easily accessible to people in the house, in case of fire. ( लेकिन आग लगने की स्थिति में घर के लोगों के लिए उन्हें आसानी से सुलभ रखें। )
  • With the aid of the community and its residents, we will raise the money to build a house that is wheelchair accessible . ( समुदाय और उसके निवासियों की सहायता से, हम एक ऐसा घर बनाने के लिए धन जुटाएंगे जो व्हीलचेयर से सुलभ हो। )

More Sentence

  • And the supporting studies are more accessible to the intelligent layperson than some reports suggest.
  • He said the Council wanted to maximise the use of the park and ride buses and now hoped the public would fully support the service which would be convenient and easily accessible to visitors and commuters alike.
  • Although I imagine those with more knowledge of the other series will have a deeper understanding, it is still quite accessible to neophytes like myself.
  • The graveyard is only accessible by sea, so sailors from the Type 22 warship hopped in a boat provided by the British Embassy in the Omani capital, Muscat, to reach the cove.
  • The NCC should be easily accessible to children and should have in-built mechanisms like toll-free phone lines and the presence of children's friends.
  • It changed my mind about backpackers, as I discovered they were cheaper and often better quality than most hotels, and the people are more accessible and friendlier.
  • Nor were schools easily accessible to the larger majority of Sicilians; only the wealthy were able to take advantage of the limited opportunities.
  • Third, he made it all accessible to the intelligent layman in simple, lucid English.
  • Anyone who met him at the conventions can attest to how friendly and accessible he was.
  • The city centre is easily accessible by bus or on foot.
  • And only Shiller found a way to make economics and business accessible , compelling, understandable - human.
  • However, his accounts were personal and, at times, not entirely accessible to the audience.
  • The location is accessible by car and motorcycle, but to get to the crater itself you have to walk another three kilometers along a path.
  • The town is also accessible by good roads, has an airport and a harbour, but all these facilities need tourist upgrading.
  • Almost the entire venue, including all stages and podiums, was wheelchair accessible .
  • Sometimes, paradoxically, you can even use ambiguity to make the story more understandable or accessible .
  • After a couple of months of rehabilitation at a Calgary hospital, Berg and van Breda moved to Steveston where they have purchased a home and made it wheelchair accessible .
  • Really smart, very friendly, accessible , and definitely more on top of what is going on in the lab.
  • This keeps great volumes of data easily accessible to users at all times without overloading primary storage or requiring expensive disk purchases for less active data.
  • We want people to feel they are an accessible and approachable channel of communication.
  • It's not just the picture on the front cover but the 130 inside that make this book easily accessible to those who are not familiar with the area.