brinkmanship - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of brinkmanship in Hindi
- अस्थिरता
- केसरिया बाना करने का दिखावा
brinkmanship Definition
- the art or practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping, typically in politics.
brinkmanship Example
- But this game of political brinkmanship has already gone too far. ( लेकिन राजनीतिक भंगुरता का यह खेल पहले ही बहुत दूर जा चुका है। )
- But in working out his political strategy, he played a dangerous game of political brinkmanship . ( लेकिन अपनी राजनीतिक रणनीति पर काम करने में, उन्होंने राजनीतिक भंगुरता का एक खतरनाक खेल खेला। )
- But there's a strange niggling as we enter into this new era of musical brinkmanship . ( लेकिन जब हम संगीत कला के इस नए युग में प्रवेश करते हैं तो एक अजीब सी हलचल होती है। )
More Sentence
- in any game of brinkmanship, it is possible that one side will collapse suddenly
- The appeasement policies encouraged Hitler, the master of brinkmanship .
- My intervention came in the nick of time, and tested the very limits of his fistfight brinkmanship .
- I mean, if they're playing brinkmanship , I think they're playing with the wrong guy.
- Melissa in a game of brinkmanship accused Zork of infidelity which enraged him.
- Burgundian winemakers revel in this brinkmanship .
- Its current brinkmanship is the work of a regime in which moderates have little room left to maneuver.
- In his foreign policy, Clinton often combined brinkmanship with indecision over the use of military force.
- But there is a game of brinkmanship going on here too.
- But fans of political intrigue at the highest levels of brinkmanship will likely be happy with this film.
- The North should rid itself of the illusion that brinkmanship will be effective.
- Smelling brinksmanship , the media have started piling on.
- I just want to briefly dabble in disaster brinksmanship .
- But it could be also interpreted as further brinksmanship , designed to hurriedly solve its food and oil shortages.
- David Mamet's cinematic creations are often stylized portraits of greed, betrayal and brinksmanship .
- We will know he cares when he stops playing brinksmanship .
- The latest elections should go some way toward arresting a hitherto dangerous game of brinksmanship .
- But in the federal arena, belligerents on both sides are escalating their brinksmanship .