chest - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of chest in Hindi

  • छाती
  • सीना
  • संदूक
  • कोष
  • ट्रंक
  • डिब्बा
  • डब्बा
  • ख़ज़ाना
  • वक्ष-स्थल
  • चेस्ट
  • वक्ष
  • तिजोरी
  • वक्षस्थल
  • उर

chest Definition

  • the front surface of a person's or animal's body between the neck and the abdomen. ( गर्दन या पेट के बीच किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर के शरीर की सामने की सतह। )
  • a large strong box, typically made of wood and used for storage or shipping. ( एक बड़ा मजबूत बॉक्स, आमतौर पर लकड़ी से बना होता है और भंडारण या शिपिंग के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। )

chest Example

  • From the throat, food travels down a muscular tube in the chest called the esophagus. ( गले से भोजन छाती में एक पेशी नली से नीचे जाता है जिसे अन्नप्रणाली कहा जाता है। )
  • Once Sydney was fully up, he happily leaned against her chest , forehead on neck. ( एक बार जब सिडनी पूरी तरह से तैयार हो गया, तो वह खुशी से गर्दन पर छाती, माथे के खिलाफ झुक गया। )
  • he was very well built, with a muscular chest ( वह बहुत अच्छी तरह से बनाया गया था, मांसपेशियों की छाती के साथ )
  • The water slowly went up to my knees, to my stomach, to my chest , to my neck. ( पानी धीरे-धीरे मेरे घुटनों तक, मेरे पेट तक, मेरी छाती तक, मेरी गर्दन तक चला गया। )
  • He folded his arms in front of his chest and leaned back in his chair. ( उसने अपनी बाहों को अपनी छाती के सामने मोड़ लिया और अपनी कुर्सी पर वापस झुक गया। )

More Sentence

  • A thoracic aortic aneurysm is a diseased, weakened, and bulging section of the aorta in the chest .
  • I took out the oak chest from under my bed again and opened it once more.
  • Radiographs of the chest and a computed tomographic scan of the chest , abdomen, and pelvis were normal.
  • She removed several ammo clips from a storage chest and fitted them into her utility belt.
  • a bad chest
  • I held it delicately in my hand and continued to stare at the oak chest .
  • She had her arms crossed in front of her chest and one eyebrow raised.
  • I dropped my head to my chest and felt my body being moved to the front.
  • A rash then appears in patches, usually behind the ears, under the arms, on the chest and stomach, and the arms and legs.
  • On CT of the chest , irregular mucosa and narrowed tracheal lumen were observed.
  • I allowed my hands to roam over his body, stroking his chest and caressing his arms.
  • the medicine chest
  • Anna moved in front of him and crossed her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow curious of what he was laughing at.
  • In fact there appears to be no cuts whatsoever on the body except for the chest and stomach.
  • I would only be inflicting my germs all over you and giving you a bad chest .
  • The storage chest was fairly easy, too, although it took a while to build because there were so many screws.
  • I look across at the picture of Sanjay on the oak chest behind the couch.
  • And in the late evening I was bundled off to the Accident and Emergency department suffering from bad pains in the chest .
  • Angela pulled a soft cloth off of a beautiful walnut jewelry chest with glass doors.
  • a 42-inch chest
  • The girl crossed her arms in front of her chest and threw back her head, letting out an evil chuckle.
  • When the pain in your chest , arm, jaw, shoulders, or abdomen is angina, first be reassured.
  • She has not received that sum because she did not claim it, and therefore the Treasury chest has not been reduced by that amount.
  • The trachea appears as an air-shadow coursing down the midline of the chest and terminating at the carina.
  • He moved forward next to his own horse, running his hand down the animal's neck to his chest .