along - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of along in Hindi
- साथ में
- साथ साथ
- बराबर बराबर
- बिलकुल
- साथ में
- आगे
- लंबाई में
- के समानांतर
- बग़ल में
along Definition
- moving in a constant direction on (a path or any more or less horizontal surface). ( (एक पथ या किसी भी अधिक या कम क्षैतिज सतह) पर एक निरंतर दिशा में जा रहा है। )
- extending in a more or less horizontal line on. ( अधिक या कम क्षैतिज रेखा में विस्तार करना। )
- in or into company with others. ( दूसरों के साथ या कंपनी में। )
along Example
- they were running along the corridor ( वे गलियारे के साथ चल रहे थे )
- The wall was eventually extended along the border between East and West Germany. ( दीवार को अंततः पूर्वी और पश्चिमी जर्मनी की सीमा के साथ बढ़ाया गया था। )
- At school and after Eric was a great sprinter and he brought along his old vest from his days with the Town Athletic Club. ( स्कूल में और उसके बाद एरिक एक महान धावक था और वह टाउन एथलेटिक क्लब के साथ अपने पुराने दिनों में अपनी पुरानी बनियान लेकर आया था। )
- you'll pick up some valuable tips along the way ( आप रास्ते में कुछ मूल्यवान सुझाव उठाएंगे )
More Sentence
- Dusk was gently closing in and the mist rolling up from the Ribble estuary as we parked the car and set off along the tow path.
- cars were parked along the grass verge
- He suggested that a strip of ordinary road surface be put along each side of the road for the horses to walk on, thus making everyone happy.
- If all the computer could do was pass along the information it received, it could not be credited with recognizing anything at all.
- We took along a laptop computer and a digital camera to provide updates of each day's progress.
- bring your son along
- A stone walkway led to the enormous home, and out front, the cars were parked along the street.
- we were walking along
- along the beach
- they drove along
- This has turned out to be a truly fascinating project as it was easy to see progress at each step along the way.
- So if you plan to take your pet along for the trip this summer, here's what you should keep in mind before heading out.
- And, if we are lucky we are able to advance the cause of progress a bit along the way.
- he'll be along soon
- they asked how the construction was coming along
- Because this road is used by so many commercial vehicles, many trucks pass along the road each day.
- we continued to plod along
- The first lagoon is situated at the top of the hill and the system of lagoons progresses downwards along the contours of the land.
- we walked along the quays
- he saw Gary run along the top of the wall
- he had brought along a friend of his
- They are often found in open areas with cliffs, and along rocky coasts and rivers.
- she sailed along the coast
- when the cartoons came along
- This racehorse has been progressing along the right lines.
- They line the grass verge along the roadside, proudly displaying flags and banners.