deputy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of deputy in Hindi

  • डिप्टी
  • उप-
  • सहायक
  • नायब


  • डिप्ट
  • प्रतिनिधि
  • स्थानापन्न
  • क़ायममुक़ाम
  • एबज़
  • नुमायंदा
  • प्रतिपुस्र्ष

deputy Definition


  • a person whose immediate superior is a senior figure within an organization and who is empowered to act as a substitute for this superior.

deputy Example

  • His deputy has been largely running the business for the past year ( उनके डिप्टी पिछले एक साल से बड़े पैमाने पर कारोबार चला रहे हैं )
  • He'd recently employed a deputy who was doing a top notch job. ( उन्होंने हाल ही में एक डिप्टी को नियुक्त किया था जो एक शीर्ष नौकरी कर रहा था। )
  • In 1820 he was elected as a deputy to the cantonal council, and was a member of the extraordinary diet of 1832. ( १८२० में उन्हें कैंटोनल काउंसिल के डिप्टी के रूप में चुना गया, और १८३२ के असाधारण आहार के सदस्य थे। )
  • In New York state there is still a court called the surrogates court, surrogate being the regular name for a deputy ecclesiastical judge. ( न्यू यॉर्क राज्य में अभी भी एक अदालत है जिसे सरोगेट कोर्ट कहा जाता है, सरोगेट एक उप उपशास्त्रीय न्यायाधीश के लिए नियमित नाम है। )

More Sentence

  • She was furious when the deputy announced to the.
  • Brent Dorn and Sheriff’s Deputy Matthew Schultz.
  • Dorro, continued the deputy with a slight smile.
  • Why are you telling me this? the deputy asked.
  • No way, said the expatriate Deputy Commissioner.
  • The Deputy Director of Operations shifted in his seat.
  • The deputy ran back, but he had the river behind him.
  • The deputy had no intentions of giving up his firearm.
  • During the interim we learned the sad news of the death of the Alabama Deputy Sheriff who was shot multiple times after stopping the kidnapper of eight year old Jennifer Morley.
  • Is Brenda Washington's murder being investigated as tied to the death of Rupert Youngblood in California and the deputy sheriff in Alabama?
  • I eluded that stupid sheriff's deputy in the south.
  • The deputy chief must inevitably have made a faithful report to the Prefect of Police.
  • Every supervisor and inspector and salaried technician was an armed United States deputy marshal.
  • The Deputy smiled, and showed he was well pleased; but he asked no more questions, save one only.
  • Dick Tenlow, deputy sheriff, nodded good-morning to her, but kept his gun trained on the tramp.
  • Not long afterwards an attempt was made with a bomb on the Deputy Commissioner of Umballa.
  • The detectives fell in behind the deputy chief and left the Place du Palais-Bourbon.
  • The Deputy and the Syndic retired to an adjoining room, and left Gilbert alone with his thoughts.
  • Ayala's rupture with the Moderates was now complete, and in 1857, through the interest of O'Donnell, he was elected as Liberal deputy for Badajoz.
  • The deputy spurred the pony over him and swept down the meadow.
  • It was clear that the deputy chief did not believe one word of the story.
  • So I asked for the attendance of the deputy chief and two men.
  • Weber, the deputy chief detective, alone had gone, refusing to meet his enemy.
  • Gaston Sauverand walked off quietly between the deputy chief and Mazeroux.
  • He served in the American War of Independence under Rochambeau, and in 1789 was sent as deputy to the States General by the nobles of the bailliage of Peronne.
  • Deputy Baxton had called in after seeing the plate number of a car listed on an all-points bulletin.
  • He also murdered a deputy sheriff who stopped him because the law knew his license plate from a tip.
  • The deputy prime minister