deputies - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of deputies in Hindi

  • प्रतिनिधि

deputies Definition


  • a person who is appointed to undertake the duties of a superior in the superior's absence.
  • "his deputy has been largely running the business for the past year"h
  • a parliamentary representative in certain countries.
  • a coal mine official responsible for safety.

deputies Example

  • To the chamber of deputies exclusively belongs the initiation of all laws relating to the raising of money and the conscription of troops. ( प्रतिनियुक्ति के कक्ष में विशेष रूप से धन जुटाने और सैनिकों की भर्ती से संबंधित सभी कानूनों की शुरुआत होती है। )
  • During the whole of the 1894 session, the attitude of senators and deputies alike was one of pronounced hostility to the president. ( पूरे १८९४ सत्र के दौरान, सीनेटरों और प्रतिनियुक्तों का रवैया राष्ट्रपति के प्रति स्पष्ट शत्रुतापूर्ण था। )
  • I am sending orders to these deputies to the effect that from this moment they do this. ( मैं इन प्रतिनियुक्तों को इस आशय का आदेश भेज रहा हूं कि वे इसी क्षण से ऐसा करें। )
  • Yet there was also the usual sprinkling of wives and daughters of deputies and senators. ( फिर भी पत्नियों और प्रतिनियुक्तों और सीनेटरों की बेटियों का सामान्य छिड़काव भी था। )

More Sentence

  • The nobles and the clergy obeyed; the deputies of the people remained firm, immovable, silent.
  • Several of the passengers were deputies sent to Florence from different towns in Calabria.
  • The Portuguese deputies said it was quite late, and they would give their answer on the next day.
  • The members of both chambers owe their election to universal suffrage; but the Senate is not elected directly by the people and the Chamber of Deputies is.
  • Both senators and deputies receive a salary of 600 per annum.
  • Bills may be proposed either by ministers (in the name of the president of the republic), or by private members, and may be initiated in either chamber, but money-bills must be submitted in the first place to the Chamber of Deputies.
  • His solitary hope now was, that the deputies whom he had summoned would ignore his informal mandate by failing to appear.
  • What had to be done, obviously, was to rouse the four outlaws without revealing the presence of the deputies above.
  • In the afternoon meeting the deputies of Portugal responded saying that the answer was unsatisfactory.
  • He thought the time spent here by the deputies would be lost, and his presence was necessary in the employment and discharge of his duty.
  • Once they accepted the oath these new deputies were confronted by the choice between perjury, and its consequences, or doing service.
  • Our Aisne deputies and senators were not very mondains, didn't care much to dine out.
  • It passed without deliberation, the deputies remaining on their seats, silent, but calm and serene.
  • Either house may pass a vote of no confidence in the government, and in practice the government resigns in face of the passing of such a vote by the deputies, but not if it is passed by the Senate only.
  • 2 The province or provinces named are those out of which the de seven years, by a majority of votes, by the Senate and Chamber of Deputies sitting together as the National Assembly.
  • Mayors are usually assisted by deputies (adjoints).
  • The financial year in France begins on the 1st of January, and the budget of each financial year must be laid on the table Budget of the Chamber of Deputies in the course of the ordinary session of the preceding year in time for the discussion upon it to begin in October and be concluded before the 31st of December.