gardens - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of gardens in Hindi


gardens Definition


gardens Example

  • Today, I have a vegetable garden in my backyard. ( आज, मेरे पिछवाड़े में एक सब्जी का बगीचा है। )
  • They usually spent the morning hours in the garden and the afternoon at the pool. ( वे आमतौर पर सुबह का समय बगीचे में और दोपहर का समय पूल में बिताते थे। )
  • So, he's discovering the garden. ( तो, वह बगीचे की खोज कर रहा है। )
  • Somewhere I can have a garden and maybe a horse. ( कहीं मेरे पास एक बगीचा हो सकता है और शायद एक घोड़ा। )

More Sentence

  • The garden needed weeding anyway.
  • The garden is swarming with wasps.
  • I heard you talking from the garden.
  • A botanic garden was opened in 1880.
  • From the garden it looked like an arbour.
  • She ran out sobbing into the garden and as far as the pond, along the avenues of young lime trees Prince Andrew had planted.
  • If she left from Ashley, she would arrive in time to plant a garden at the ranch.
  • The balcony juts out over the garden.
  • Peter waters the garden in the morning.
  • These garden shears are lightweight and easy to use.
  • You should weed the garden before supper.
  • The extension of the garden will take several weeks.
  • We replanted the old elm in our back garden.
  • Rover lives in a kennel in the back garden.
  • The garden was humming with the sound of bees.
  • The garden was transformed at great expense.
  • The garden is arranged on two levels.
  • Many celebrities were assembled in the garden.
  • Alice was a geranium Cynthia had lovingly rescued from certain death by frost last September when the rest of their first year garden succumbed to the advancing seasons.