disposable - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of disposable in Hindi
- डिस्पोजेबल
- सौंपने योग्य
- देने योग्य
- सुलभ
- प्राप्य
- बेचने योग्य
- विक्रय
- त्याज्य
- छोड़ने योग्य
- पीछा छुड़ाने योग्य
disposable Definition
- (of an article) intended to be used once, or until no longer useful, and then thrown away.
- (chiefly of financial assets) readily available for the owner's use as required.
- an article designed to be thrown away after use.
disposable Example
- Disposable diapers ( एक प्रयोग के बाद फेंके जाने वाले लंगोट )
- He made a mental inventory of his disposable assets ( उन्होंने अपनी डिस्पोजेबल संपत्तियों की मानसिक सूची बनाई )
- She held up a disposable camera. ( उसने एक डिस्पोजेबल कैमरा रखा। )
- Diapers weren't called "cloth diapers" until disposable ones came out. ( डायपर को "कपड़ा डायपर" नहीं कहा जाता था जब तक कि डिस्पोजेबल वाले बाहर नहीं आते। )
More Sentence
- Carmen pitched the disposable diaper in the trash and hefted Destiny from the changing table.
- We also bought some disposable bowls.
- I'm not disposable, Xander.
- The filters have disposable cartridges that should be replaced every year.
- She expects the new dress code will increase her disposable income.
- People brought food, but it often arrived on disposable dishes.
- And what about the dilemma of disposable vs . cloth diapers?
- Nonwovens are the material used in disposable diapers and surgical gowns.
- Pour both cans of corn into large disposable aluminum roasting pan.
- "It's truly a disposable workforce,"
- Use disposable towels to wipe up raw meat or poultry juices.
- But they will not be as disposable as the regular pucks.
- It's difficult to see disposable in a sentence .
- As he takes N to be strictly the same for all elements the equation has only three disposable constants A, a and b.
- If anyone could trace a disposable phone, they could.
- Interesting. You don't realize you're disposable to me.
- He was standing in front of the mirror in his jeans and an athletic undershirt, shaving with a disposable razor.
- Xander made love to her like she was the only one in his world of disposable girls.
- The poor performer is motivated by the fear that he or she is highly disposable
- A disposable razor