component - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of component in Hindi

  • अंग
  • घटक
  • संघटक अंग
  • संघटक भाग
  • मौलिक
  • पुरजा
  • अवयव
  • अंग
  • अवयवभूत अंश
  • अंगभूत
  • अवयवभूत

component Definition


  • a part or element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine or vehicle.


  • constituting part of a larger whole; constituent.

component Example

  • Enriched uranium is a key component of a nuclear weapon. ( समृद्ध यूरेनियम एक परमाणु हथियार का एक प्रमुख घटक है। )
  • The line through the given point along which the potential decreases most rapidly is the direction of the resultant magnetic force, and the rate of decrease of the potential in any direction is equal to the component of the force in that direction. ( दिए गए बिंदु के माध्यम से वह रेखा जिसके साथ क्षमता सबसे तेजी से घटती है, परिणामी चुंबकीय बल की दिशा है, और किसी भी दिशा में क्षमता की कमी की दर उस दिशा में बल के घटक के बराबर है। )
  • Each component is carefully checked before assembly. ( प्रत्येक घटक को ध्यान से विधानसभा से पहले जाँच की जाती है। )
  • Component failure was the cause of the accident. ( घटक की विफलता दुर्घटना का कारण थी। ) 

More Sentence

  • Certainly the labor component of assembling the Mercedes could fall to nearly zero.
  • They were automotive component suppliers to motor manufacturers.
  • Trust is a vital component in any relationship.
  • Surprise is an essential component of my plan.
  • Revenues from oil are the biggest single component part in the country's income.
  • Our software is becoming a standard component of many computer systems.
  • We've been breaking down the budget into its component parts.
  • The control of inflation is a key component of the government's economic policy.
  • The suspended needle is, in the absence of disturbing causes, directed solely by the horizontal component of the earth's field of magnetic force H E, and therefore sets itself approximately north and south.
  • The infantry is / are still an important component of the modernized armies.
  • Gorbachev failed to keep the component parts of the Soviet Union together.
  • The phase of the resultant effect is by symmetry that of the component which comes from the middle of a.
  • Polish workers will now be making component parts for Boeing 757s.
  • Moreover, the splendid building is nearly always a unit; seldom, unless accidentally, a component part of a broad effect.
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables are an essential component of a healthy diet.
  • an angle e with the normal, the normal component of the magnetization, I cos e, is called the surface density of the magnetism, and is generally denoted by a.
  • They include an impulsive component and a step component.
  • light passed through a prism breaks up into its component colors