bombard - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bombard in Hindi
- बौछार
- बौछार करना
- गोला चलाना
- बमबारी करना
- गोलाबारी करना
- तोपों से उड़ाना
- गोला दागना
bombard Definition
- a cannon of the earliest type, which originally fired a stone ball. ( जल्द से जल्द प्रकार की एक तोप, जो मूल रूप से एक पत्थर की गेंद को निकालती थी। )
- attack (a place or person) continuously with bombs, shells, or other missiles. ( हमला (एक जगह या व्यक्ति) बम, गोले या अन्य मिसाइलों के साथ लगातार। )
bombard Example
- The Hague Convention, Article Four, states that you are not allowed to bombard uninhabited villages or villages that are not occupied by defendants. ( हेग कन्वेंशन, अनुच्छेद चार में कहा गया है कि आपको निर्जन गांवों या उन गांवों पर बमबारी करने की अनुमति नहीं है, जो प्रतिवादियों के कब्जे में नहीं हैं। )
- Rosin feels that it's best to address the messages that bombard her students. ( रोजिन को लगता है कि उन संदेशों को संबोधित करना सबसे अच्छा है जो उनके छात्रों पर बमबारी करते हैं। )
- One answer of course might be for the Allies to bombard the railway tracks leading to the death camps. ( मौत के शिविरों तक जाने वाले रेलवे ट्रैक पर बमबारी के लिए मित्र राष्ट्रों का एक जवाब हो सकता है। )
- For a second night, the Marines called in a gunship to bombard insurgent positions. ( दूसरी रात के लिए, मरीन ने एक बंदूक की नोक पर विद्रोही पदों पर बमबारी की। )
- The last thing I want to do is bombard people with information too early. ( आखिरी चीज जो मैं करना चाहता हूं वह है सूचनाओं के साथ लोगों पर बमबारी करना। )
More Sentence
- But what about the TV commercials that incessantly bombard living rooms across America?
- But the last thing I wanted to do was bombard her with millions of questions.
- Protesters fear the green light will be given to the proposal but have promised they will continue to bombard environment and health bosses with their concerns.
- Phipps moved four ships in close to shore to bombard the town, but caused little damage.
- Government forces used mortars, helicopter gunships and airplanes to bombard rebel positions.
- The worm has programmed infected computers to bombard the web site with corrupt data from this Saturday with the intention of forcing it to crash.
- They could bombard the city from the outskirts but could not occupy it without unacceptable losses.
- We are bombarded with information and the constant pressure of trying to keep up.
- Yet for all the muskets, bombards , and cannon, Kelly appears more interested in the impact of gunpowder as a technological force driving deeper societal changes.
- I wouldn't have been able to look away if terrorists were bombarding the room and announcing the end of the world, I was that enraptured.
- The men kill time collecting the small parachutes from the shells in between attacks and bombardments .
- On the other front, Germans frequently mistook Soviet mortar barrages for aerial bombardments .
- On 12 May 1982, FAS Skyhawks attacked the HMS Glasgow and HMS Brilliant while they were bombarding Port Stanley.
- From day one we are now bombarded with information like never before.
- Early siege cannon, or bombards , were heavy and rested in a static mount.
- A young scientist named Henry Moseley experimented with bombarding atoms of different elements with x rays.
- Tanks rolled into the main square overnight after coalition warplanes bombarded the city.
- From my area we could see aeroplanes bombarding the centre of Santiago.
- When Taylor got back she was bombarded with questions.
- We are bombarded with too much information, but how much of it is really turned into knowledge?
- There was no immediate word on casualties after US warplanes and artillery bombarded the city.
- In a short time, these small and ineffective weapons developed into massive bombards .
- Tom was bombarded with questions and he was getting fed up.
- The countryside of Pisa had been ravaged by aerial bombardments and artillery barrages, leaving only a wilderness of roofless houses and smoking craters.
- Helicopters and tanks bombarded the same towns around the city on Wednesday evening after similar gunfights led to the death of three soldiers.