deities - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of deities in Hindi

  • देवी-देवताओं
  • देवता
  • देवी
  • ख़ुदा

deities Definition


  • a god or goddess (in a polytheistic religion).

deities Example

  • There have been nine deities to serve in this position. ( इस पद पर सेवा करने के लिए नौ देवता हैं। )
  • The two deities were bristling. ( दोनों देवी-देवता झूम रहे थे। ) 
  • He felt the two mages clash, their grim determination and faith in their opposing deities setting the air around them aquiver.  ( उन्होंने महसूस किया कि दो जादूगर आपस में टकराते हैं, उनका घोर दृढ़ संकल्प और उनके विरोधी देवताओं में विश्वास उनके चारों ओर की हवा को जलभरी बना देता है। )
  • The Brahmins were known for their tendency to absorb, assimilate and upgrade deities, not for exhibiting animus towards them. ( ब्राह्मणों को देवताओं को आत्मसात करने, आत्मसात करने और उन्नत करने की उनकी प्रवृत्ति के लिए जाना जाता था, न कि उनके प्रति शत्रुता प्रदर्शित करने के लिए। )

More Sentence

  • Possibly these cups were used in the performance of cult, such as feasting by the worshippers and offering of libations to the deities.  
  • The ancient religion of Hawaii incorporates hundreds of deities as well as magical and animist beliefs.  
  • However, he taught superior disciples the tantras in the form of a king or in the aspect of various meditational deities.
  • In contrast, the tantric meditations on mandalas and deities might seem mysterious, and we may find them more appealing.  
  • Because of unconditional acceptance by deities, I don't purify myself before ritual.
  • Wynn watched their exchange, fascinated by the idea of seeing two bloodthirsty deities try to outwit one another.
  • "You fell totally in love with him, too, but you were uh … well, I guess deities are sort of…" "You were a mega-bitch," Toby said.
  • Deities are way older and more powerful.
  • Ancient Egyptians believed that Jackals were deities of the.
  • Mohan believed in one of the many deities of Hindu pantheon.
  • Offering the torma to the Deities of the heart wheel, speech.
  • Deities we should believe that ourself Heruka is the nature of.
  • Vajravarahi, are included within the Deities of the great bliss.
  • Priestesses of Diana and kindred deities were public prostitutes.
  • The ‘Protector of the hundreds of Deities of the Joyful Land’.
  • The mating bond of the Immortals and deities and the blood bond of the demons were the two oldest bonds, unbreakable under the Immortal Code and from the laws older than the Code.
  • Deities did things differently, but he wasn't about to do what his predecessor would have and demand a favor of someone like Andre.
  • The other deities can't even do that.