succumb - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of succumb in Hindi


  • शिकार
  • मृत्यु को प्राप्त होना
  • मान जाना
  • अधीन होना
  • वशीभूत होना
  • दबना
  • सिर झुकाना

succumb Definition


  • fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.

succumb Example

  • he has become the latest to succumb to the strain ( वह तनाव के आगे घुटने टेकने वाला नवीनतम बन गया है )
  • With little access to medical care, many of them succumbed to exhaustion, starvation and disease.  ( चिकित्सा देखभाल तक कम पहुंच के कारण, उनमें से कई ने थकावट, भुखमरी और बीमारी के कारण दम तोड़ दिया। )
  • It is probable that the carbon monoxide seriously affects the general health and vitality of the men, and renders them more likely to succumb to phthisis.  ( यह संभावना है कि कार्बन मोनोऑक्साइड पुरुषों के सामान्य स्वास्थ्य और जीवन शक्ति को गंभीर रूप से प्रभावित करता है, और उन्हें फ़ेथिसिस के शिकार होने की अधिक संभावना प्रदान करता है। )
  • Cowling has not succumbed, in his advancing years, to any tendency to become accommodating.  ( काउलिंग ने अपने अग्रिम वर्षों में, मिलनसार बनने की किसी भी प्रवृत्ति के आगे घुटने नहीं टेके हैं। )
  • For the one thing needful is not destined to succumb.  ( एक चीज के लिए जरूरी नहीं है कि वह झुक जाए। )

More Sentence

  • Amanda's desire to conform to the in-crowd made her succumb to peer pressure.
  • They will pressure you, and you must try not to succumb.
  • I must never appease his wants; If I succumb, he will consume my existence with relish.
  • We were not able to determine whether certain variables protected some children from later harm while other families succumbed to dynamic stressors or lack of resources.
  • He finally succumbed and let his wife get rid of his dilapidated easy chair.
  • We read of how the men succumbed to the evil atmosphere.
  • The sure and steady, funky riff and fate beat casts it's spell and you succumb.
  • The reality is that freedom of speech and press freedom are succumbing to a strict self-censorship.
  • No matter what, do not give up and do not succumb to fear.
  • Unhappily, not infrequently the unfortunate sufferer from the disease succumbed to the disease.
  • She suddenly felt foolish thinking that Guardian, a man trained to kill, wouldn't kill in cold blood or wouldn't succumb to any other vices.
  • All credit to the common resolution for not having succumbed to radical opinions.
  • The sure and steady, funky riff and fate beat casts it 's spell and you succumb.
  • We are not succumbing to the creeping paralysis of dictatorship which seems to be afflicting the world.
  • If it has succumbed to that pressure, it has been had.
  • Every day, succumb to the pleasure of the creamy lather, enriched gentle polishing vegetal micro spheres.
  • To succumb to cultural or post-modern relativism would simply leave open the field to the most powerful global forces.
  • This cleans the slate making it less likely that you will feel guilty or succumb to any future pressure or emotional blackmail.
  • Let's say that as an alien you arrive in your space-ship, have a bumpy landing and succumb to amnesia.
  • Divorced from the program of revolutionary Marxism, cadres immersed in the mass movement eventually succumb to opportunism.
  • I wondered if Peter would succumb to the pressures of an expanding family and a planned house purchase.