error - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of error in Hindi
- त्रुटि
- एरर
- भूल
- ग़लती
- स्खलन
- मोह
- विमोह
- विकल्प
- गलती
- चूक
error Definition
- a mistake.
error Example
- the money had been paid in error ( पैसे का भुगतान गलती से किया गया था )
- the decisions of the appeal committee disclosed no error of law ( अपील समिति के निर्णयों से कानून की कोई त्रुटि नहीं हुई )
- A total lack of tone-splitting errors would support (19a), while a preponderance of tone-splitting errors would provide evidence for model (19b). ( स्वर-विभाजन त्रुटियों की कुल कमी (19a) का समर्थन करेगी, जबकि स्वर-विभाजन त्रुटियों की प्रधानता मॉडल (19b) के लिए साक्ष्य प्रदान करेगी। )
- You should check your homework before handing it in so that you can find your own errors. ( आपको अपना होमवर्क सौंपने से पहले उसकी जांच कर लेनी चाहिए ताकि आप अपनी त्रुटियों का पता लगा सकें। )
More Sentence
- While rock-climbing, you need to remain very focused so that you don't make any dangerous errors.
- System errors can cause your computer to stop working entirely.
- The two last methods showed the smallest errors when no intermediate states were taken into account.
- When learning a second language, it is important to look at errors as an instrument of learning, instead of a source of frustration.
- You only made one small error on your math test.
- Even the tiniest error in our calculations could alter our flight plan, and cause us to miss our landing target on the Dark Planet.
- The plane crash was caused by mechanical failure, rather than human error.
- an error of judgment
- the crash was caused by human error