cyclonic - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cyclonic in Hindi

  • चक्रवाती
  • चक्रवात संबंधी
  • तूफ़ानी

cyclonic Definition


  • relating to or resembling a cyclone.

cyclonic Example

  • a severe storm with cyclonic winds tore apart roofs ( चक्रवाती हवाओं के साथ तेज आंधी ने छतों को तोड़ दिया )
  • "Downward Spiral " is a colorful vortex of cyclonic motion. ( "डाउनवर्ड स्पाइरल" चक्रवाती गति का रंगीन भंवर है। )
  • Rockall _ Southerly becoming cyclonic, 4 or 5 occasionally 6. ( रॉकल_दक्षिणावर्त चक्रवाती बनना, 4 या 5 कभी-कभी 6. )
  • Faeroes _ Easterly becoming cyclonic 3 or 4, occasionally 5. ( फेरोज़_पूर्वी चक्रवाती ३ या ४ बन रहा है, कभी-कभी ५। )

More Sentence

  • The city is not affected by cyclonic winds and huge swells.
  • Six sailors died during cyclonic conditions in the 1998 race.
  • They are forced by winds circulation around low pressure ( cyclonic ).
  • Frontal and cyclonic lift occur in their purest manifestations when low pressure.
  • Day after day, cyclonic winds made all thought of a take-off suicidal in the extreme.
  • A sudden cyclonic gust swept the cleft, whirling us like leaves toward the Pit.
  • Not only does the upward movement of the whole system vary, but the velocity of the wind around any given cyclonic center varies.
  • If the woman had not talked in such a cyclonic way I would have thought of it," she reflected.
  • But what held their eager, straining attention was a vast blood red disk, cyclonic in character, directly beneath them.
  • On the 26th of August the violent cyclonic rain-storm of which some account has been given in the last chapter broke over the Dongola province.
  • Lying in the position in which I was, I was sensible of a diminution of the cyclonic force; the blast streamed up and over the front of the cube.
  • On August 8, a severe cyclonic storm struck Hawaii.
  • Aila intensified further and peaked as a Severe Cyclonic Storm.
  • The storm continued to grow and became a severe cyclonic storm by.
  • It's difficult to see cyclonic in a sentence .
  • The eddy has a diameter of 250 km and a cyclonic circulation.
  • The acronym is designed to depict the cyclonic nature of the grief.
  • No force on earth can abate this cyclonic beast and its almighty sucking.
  • Around the low, the flow will become cyclonic.